Non C&C content but relevant.  My neighbour has an Ericsson 30 with a 16hp 
universal diesel.  
His engine will not rev beyond  1800 In reverse and is similarly challenged in 
forward.  It’s dangerous as he cannot proceed faster than 2kt against wind and 
waves.  It revs freely beyond 3000rpm in neutral.
Am thinking it’s either low fuel flow (so work from pickup tube to pump to 
troubleshoot) or a partially blocked mixing elbow. (Re and re) Will also assist 
him in verifying that throttle and shutoff are fully operable at the engine and 
that the air intake is unrestricted.  He recently replaced his fuel filters. 
Any other thoughts or expertise that might help?
Many thanks!

Dave - 33-2 (with a well loved and happy Yanmar)

Sent from my iPhone

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