Thanks Joe,

You have a smoking hot deal on a slip. South Portland is closer to $5k for
a 40' boat.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 9:27 AM Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List <> wrote:

> The reason we are collectively giving a bit of warning is you are about to
> jump into a whole new world of both much bigger $$$ and much bigger forces.
> Not to say it isn’t worth it, but it helps to know what you are getting
> into.
> To start with, the loads on a 40 foot boat are exponentially bigger than a
> 23 foot boat. Accidents can be very expensive and they can be lethal.
> Maintenance likewise can be financially lethal.
> I’ll get into the cash aspect here first. Everything scales up by the
> foot, pound, and square yard. Slips cost more, haulouts cost more, bottom
> paint costs more, sails cost more, engines cost more, even cushions cost
> more. There are things you don’t even think of like batteries. It is easy
> to spend over $1,000 on batteries alone!  These are all OLD BOATS now and
> you always have the potential for repairs that cost a good fraction of what
> the boat is worth. You also have to add the DIY factor. Most of us this
> list do a lot of DIY repairs. I could never ever afford to keep my boat
> floating if I had to pay anyone to maintain her. My wife sometimes
> questions my sanity when I come home exhausted with a few bloodstains on my
> shirt, epoxy stuck to my arm, and tell her how much I love sailing J
> I could not even begin to make something like a spreadsheet. If I saw the
> hard numbers, it would probably scare me off sailing for good! I’ll give
> you a rough guess here and this is for a 35 foot boat.
> Fixed costs:
> Slip: $2400/yr. I have a good deal, it can be a LOT more!
> Insurance: Around $600/yr.
> This is the rock-bottom minimum for the boat to just float in one spot and
> not move.
> Electricity: What, you didn’t think you would have an electric bill?
> You’re in the big leagues now! About $10/month in summer, it has hit $60 in
> really cold months between the cabin heat and ice-eater.
> Fuel: Somewhere between 50 and 150 gallons of fuel in a year, depending on
> where we go and how much wind there is.
> Repairs/upgrades/etc.
> This is HUGELY variable. I cannot imagine a year without at least a few
> hundred bucks in random stuff I don’t even keep track of.
> Over the years I have done things like:
> Rewire the boat – I think I was about $3,000 or so in supplies on that one.
> Batteries – The house battery is about $600 or so for a 4D. The engine
> start battery is about $150.
> Engine – I am on my third engine. The first one lasted for 20 years until
> salt water corroded it to death. We bought a used replacement that was not
> that good and that one got junked for a really nice rebuilt engine that was
> a hobby project for a laid off chief engineer waiting for his ship to get
> out of drydock. My expenses on this were incredibly low by boat standards
> because I have an Atomic 4 gasoline engine. They are somewhat plentiful
> used compared to many and I got each engine for under $2000 and **did all
> the work myself**. A shop installing a rebuilt Atomic 4 would likely bill
> you around $6,000 or more. I got quotes for diesel engine replacements in
> the $12K and up range! Note a C&C 40 does not use the A4, swapping that
> diesel out if it dies would be well over $10K if you pay to have it done.
> Even totally DIY, used diesels that fit your boat and are not junk are not
> easy to find and usually not cheap either.
> Sails – they get worn out. They are not cheap. Used sails to fit a furler
> are very hard to find, no one wants to get rid of them. I got incredibly
> lucky when I got the sails from a dismasted 35 in great shape, but you
> can’t count on that. I was racing a C&C 40 up a windy river under chute
> with my soon-to-be wife and the 40 could not get past us for a while, they
> were slower under jib. Then a gust came across the river, our sail turned
> into mulit-colored nylon confetti, the 40 passed us, and I had to explain
> that was several thousand dollars’ worth of pretty colors flying all over
> the place.
> Bottom paint is not every year for me and I do it myself, even so that
> usually adds up to a kilobuck more or less with yard fees and supplies. I
> had to remove the mast once and rebuild the mast step. That too probably
> got close to a kilobuck if not more and that was me doing 100% of the work,
> but I can’t haul a boat and remove the mast myself, there are still yard
> fees. That would have easily been a $5K job or more if I paid the yard.
> I have fixed the head, replaced the head, replaced seacocks, replaced
> bilge pumps, replaced water pumps, replaced instruments, replaced keel bolt
> backing plates, replaced port hole Plexiglas, and 1000 other things I can’t
> even remember right now. We are starting cushion replacement. I got a big
> memory foam king mattress and carved it into a v-berth mattress so far. If
> I just pay the local shop the rest of the interior will be $4K or so.
> Canvas is not forever, the dodger and bimini are wear items and eventually
> that will be a few thousand bucks again.
> The best quote on boat expenses is from a buddy – “it costs all you have”.
> You can easily find $100,000 of improvements to a 40 foot boat if you have
> the cash and if you only have $345.78, the boat will happily take that too!
> *Joe Della Barba Coquina C&C 35  MK I*
> * <>*
> *From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *Jeffrey
> Brideau via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 21, 2020 6:30 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Jeffrey Brideau <>
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Stus-List New-guy C&C 40 Shopping questions
> Hi Ron,
> Thanks for the words of caution. We are definitely balancing the size
> situation and appreciate a 40 will be over 5X larger than our 23 and would
> love the opportunity to sail on one prior to purchasing if that were an
> option.
> I'm selling a 40' diesel motorhome that costs us an arm and a leg in
> repairs and maintenance (~$5000 in just the past few weeks) in exchange for
> this "money pit" but would be very interested in what your annual cost may
> have been. I've been building a spreadsheet to estimate annual costs
> especially now that we will be paying for a slip.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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