What happened to the old trick of using wire ties? You put a bunch of them on, 
don't trim the tails, and thus the wires are held more or less in the center.
Say every 3 or 4 feet you put three on with 120 degree spacing.

Joe Della Barba Coquina C&C 35  MK I

From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of David Risch 
via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 7:31 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: David Risch <davidrisc...@msn.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Stus-List securing cables in mast
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