Try International Brightside. 2 part anything like International perfection
is a pita and international perfection is not worth the effort or
frustration on decks. Use brightside and add grit where you want nonskid.
My lesson well learned. I used brightside and brightdide with grit to fix a
perfection mess.

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 2:53 PM CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm planning paint my boat's deck in stages, roll and tip.  I've chosen
> Kiwi Grip for the non-skid.  Ten years ago I tried a two part primer and
> Interlux Perfection and painted the transom only.  I picked a day with too
> much heat and the sun hit the transom each afternoon so I had to grind/sand
> that off and recoat.  I ended up using Brightside and it looked very
> professional but is now showing some problems after ten years.
> I just tried Pettit EZpoxy for the first time on a helm seat.  Same price
> as Interlux but flows out better and easier.  The paint went on easy and
> looks great.  The primer, EZ Prime, stinks more than the finish coat, EZ
> Poxy but the smell goes away once the paint dries.  Nothing stinks as much
> as Bilge Coat which I find smells for days so I'd like to avoid Brightside
> which is a close cousin.
> Two part paints are supposed to last longer but they cost more and I want
> to avoid all the carcinigens and eternal mixing of two part primer, two
> part finish coat, two part flattener.
> Any opinions out there, Pettit vs Interlux or some other system?
> Chuck S, Resolute 1990 C&C 34R
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