Mild steel structure inside the rudder is BAD!

Bob Boyer
s/v Rainy Days
C&C Landfall 38 (Hull # 230)
(Presently traveling north on ICW)

> On Apr 20, 2019, at 9:10 AM, Daniel Cormier via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Thanks Rob,
> It sounds unbelievable but I was told by the last fibreglass man to have 
> worked on my rudder that the fins/grid structure inside my rudder (original) 
> are made from MILD STEEL and welded to the stainless steel post. Where many 
> of us have wet rudders, this is obviously very very bad. I’ll send an email 
> to the list when I have the rudder open to verify this. Part of the current 
> plan is to cut these away and replace with 316 stainless fins.
> Dan
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 20, 2019, at 7:36 AM, Robert Boyer <> wrote:
>> The metal grid structure inside the rudder is very important. On our C&C’s 
>> this structure is made from stainless steel plates that are welded to the 
>> stainless steel rudder shaft.  Tartan 37’s are known to have a problem with 
>> their carbon steel internal rudder plates that were welded to the stainless 
>> steel rudder shaft—the carbon steel internal structure would corrode (from 
>> inadvertent water exposure) allowing the shaft to rotate inside the rudder.  
>> Bob
>> Bob Boyer
>> s/v Rainy Days
>> C&C Landfall 38 (Hull # 230)
>> (Presently traveling north on ICW)
>> blog:
>> email:
>>> On Apr 20, 2019, at 12:39 AM, Dan via CnC-List <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks everyone,
>>> I've looked into both Foss Foam and Competition Composites. Both options 
>>> are landing well into the $5000 cdn range (including freight) which is way 
>>> beyond my budget. Foss Foam doesn't have a C&C44 Rudder mold but can try to 
>>> "match" something similar which scares me a little and it's roughliey $1200 
>>> US to get it to Canada. Competition has a very expensive high-tech process 
>>> using CAD software and a milling machine which I'm sure is standard for any 
>>> Americas Cup contender but drives the price as expected.
>>> Has anyone tried to re-build their own rudder? - I've been told carving 
>>> 15lb density rigid foam and encapuslating is the way to go - like this:
>>> Dan
>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 9:00 AM Rod Stright via CnC-List 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I would suggest Competition Composites in Ontario excellent 
>>>> workmanship,Canadian $$$$
>>>> Rod
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> > On Apr 18, 2019, at 4:38 PM, Dan via CnC-List <> 
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> > 
>>>> > Has any C&C44 owners on the list replaced their rudder, and if so, where 
>>>> > did you have the work done? - The price is dramatically reduced if they 
>>>> > have an existing mold to work with.
>>>> > 
>>>> > Dan Cormier
>>>> > Breakaweigh
>>>> > C&C44
>>>> > Halifax, NS
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