We charge racers a separate fee from the YC dues. That covers equipment purchases and rental of mark set boats. All labor is volunteer.RonWild CheriC&C 30-1STL
On Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 8:48:25 PM CST, Charlie Nelson via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: Hello all CnCers; I have some questions for those of you who belong to Sailing or Yacht Clubs, especially those with buildings and grounds, etc. Those whose clubs are 'paper only' can also chime in. Blackbeard Sailing Club (BSC) has ~ 200 members and is exclusively a sailing club founded in ~ 1972. We own real estate, a clubhouse, and other buildings located near New Bern, NC on a creek that joins the Neuse River. Dues are modest (~$550/year) as are in-water slips (~$1000/year). We also have dry storage, dinghy storage and dock boxes available for modest fees. Most of the upkeep is done by member labor with occasional professionals used to replace entire dock sections, etc. which allows the above costs to be kept reasonable. Most members are cruisers with maybe 30 members who actively race either in a OD San Juan 21 fleet, an Ensign fleet or in local PHRF races run by an active club (Neuse River Yacht Association) without facilities (a paper club). Our club (BSC) sponsors an OD regatta and a PHRF regatta or 2 annually and often helps out with local OD fleets and PHRF races with RC personnel, equipment, etc. All these fleets are relatively local and many club members are also members of these fleets/clubs. I am a member of several paper clubs which are exclusively devoted to racing--have even served as the Commodore of several of them. In these racing clubs, all the revenue and expenses are devoted to racing only--this keeps things simple and relatively low cost, especially without property concerns (taxes, upkeep, etc.). Recently, BSC has been approached by an OD club with a proposal for them to associate with us (most of the OD are members of our club) to assist them with personnel, equipment, insurance, etc. for their weekday races (~ 10 boats). This fleet has about 16 race days (Thursdays) per year with several races per day. This is new 'ground' for our club and while we are keen to support local sailboat racing in all its forms, we have to be mindful of the majority of our members who do not race but certainly pay dues, slip fees, etc. Hence our dilemma--how do we support our racing minority in a club whose majority are cruisers or day sailors? What I would like to know from those on the list (in broad terms) is how your club handles racing in your club, especially if the racers represent a relative minority of your otherwise cruising members: Does the club supply RC and mark/safety boats and personnel for your racers? Are the racers covered by the club's liability insurance while on the water racing? Does the club charge a fee or fees for the support it provides? Does the club impose any fees on the racers for the use of the club facilities such as the clubhouse for dinners, etc.? Does your club charge additional fees to your racing members to cover racing expenses? This issue is new to our club and some other local OD fleets and paper clubs may want a similar association. Thus we would like to get any agreement between us and a smaller fleet/club mostly correct the first time. Further, I am sure that this is not the first time this problem has come up in sailing clubs with racers as members, albeit in a minority. Any suggestions on how your club handles these issues or others similar to these would be appreciated, including copies of by-laws, etc. that spell out how such issues are addressed. Thanks in advance, Charlie NelsonRear Commodore (to be in 2019!)Blackbeard Sailing ClubNew Bern, NC1995 C&C 36 XL/kcbWater Phantom cenel...@aol.com _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray
_______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray