Now that Doug mentions it, there was a previous incarnation of Colorado Sail & 
Yacht Club called No Coast Yacht Club that included both powerboaters and 
sailors.  A rift developed because the powerboaters didn’t like their dues 
going to support sailboat racing activities, and things fell apart.  Ever since 
then, CSYC has been a sailboat racing club.


> On Dec 18, 2018, at 8:03 PM, svrebeccaleah via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Charlie,
> At my club, we own buildings, and docks. Most members are powerboaters(170 
> boats). We have a committee (1 guy) that handles the racing. We set aside a 
> portion of the annual budget for the racing. Members get work party time for 
> helping out with the race committee boat. We also work closely with a paper 
> only club. 
> Hope this answers some of your questions
> Doug Mountjoy 
> Sv Rebecca Leah 
> LH39
> Port Orchard YC wa.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Charlie Nelson via CnC-List <>
> Date: 12/18/18 18:47 (GMT-08:00)
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Stus-List Sailing Club with racers
> Hello all CnCers;
> I have some questions for those of you who belong to Sailing or Yacht Clubs, 
> especially those with buildings and grounds, etc. Those whose clubs are 
> 'paper only' can also chime in.
> Blackbeard Sailing Club (BSC) has ~ 200 members and is exclusively a sailing 
> club founded in ~ 1972. We own real estate, a clubhouse, and other buildings 
> located near New Bern, NC on a creek that joins the Neuse River. Dues are 
> modest (~$550/year) as are in-water slips (~$1000/year). We also have dry 
> storage, dinghy storage and dock boxes available for modest fees. 
> Most of the upkeep is done by member labor with occasional professionals used 
> to replace entire dock sections, etc. which allows the above costs to be kept 
> reasonable.
> Most members are cruisers with maybe 30 members who actively race either in a 
> OD San Juan 21 fleet, an Ensign fleet or in local PHRF races run by an active 
> club (Neuse River Yacht Association) without facilities (a paper club). Our 
> club (BSC) sponsors an OD regatta and a PHRF regatta or 2 annually and often 
> helps out with local OD fleets and PHRF races with RC personnel, equipment, 
> etc. All these fleets are relatively local and many club members are also 
> members of these fleets/clubs. 
> I am a member of several paper clubs which are exclusively devoted to 
> racing--have even served as the Commodore of several of them. In these racing 
> clubs, all the revenue and expenses are devoted to racing only--this keeps 
> things simple and relatively low cost, especially without property concerns 
> (taxes, upkeep, etc.).
> Recently, BSC has been approached by an OD club with a proposal for them to 
> associate with us (most of the OD are members of our club) to assist them 
> with personnel, equipment, insurance, etc. for their weekday races (~ 10 
> boats). This fleet has about 16 race days (Thursdays) per year with several 
> races per day. This is new 'ground' for our club and while we are keen to 
> support local sailboat racing in all its forms, we have to be mindful of the 
> majority of our members who do not race but certainly pay dues, slip fees, 
> etc. Hence our dilemma--how do we support our racing minority in a club whose 
> majority are cruisers or day sailors?
> What I would like to know from those on the list (in broad terms) is how your 
> club handles racing in your club, especially if the racers represent a 
> relative minority of your otherwise cruising members:
> Does the club supply RC and mark/safety boats and personnel for your racers?
> Are the racers covered by the club's liability insurance while on the water 
> racing?
> Does the club charge a fee or fees for the support it provides?
> Does the club impose any fees on the racers for the use of the club 
> facilities such as the clubhouse for dinners, etc.?
> Does your club charge additional fees to your racing members to cover racing 
> expenses?
> This issue is new to our club and some other local OD fleets and paper clubs 
> may want a similar association. Thus we would like to get any agreement 
> between us and a smaller fleet/club mostly correct the first time. Further, I 
> am sure that this is not the first time this problem has come up in sailing 
> clubs with racers as members, albeit in a minority.
> Any suggestions on how your club handles these issues or others similar to 
> these would be appreciated, including copies of by-laws, etc. that spell out 
> how such issues are addressed.
> Thanks in advance,
> Charlie Nelson
> Rear Commodore (to be in 2019!)
> Blackbeard Sailing Club
> New Bern, NC
> 1995 C&C 36 XL/kcb
> Water Phantom
> _______________________________________________
> Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions.  Each and 
> every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use 
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every one is greatly appreciated.  If you want to support the list - use PayPal 
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