For anyone else considering these sails, feel free to reach out to me.
I've agree to hold on to them for Ron but will likely never use them.  I
have the triple spreader rig and have had a new sail made for my boat.
It's luff length is 51' 2.5".  I had it cut slightly short so that it would
ride slightly above the deck and lifelines.  Thus, Ron's sails measuring at
51' 5" would mate with my furler just fine.  I believe that the second sail
with a 52' luff would need to be flown without the furler drum or swivel
(or both).

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018, 1:50 PM Ron Ricci via CnC-List <>

> I have two jibs that I don’t use and will give them to anyone willing to
> pick them up in Annapolis, MD.  Below are links to photos and specs for
> each sail.
> ·       98% Kevlar Jib -!AhpB-lul9d5YrkeG82Ht0IpjLOc5
> o   Luff = 51'-5"
> o   Foot = 15'-8"
> o   Leach = 49'
> ·       155% Light Kevlar Genoa -
> o   Luff = 52'
> o   Foot = 24'-9"
> o   Leach = 50'-6"
> I took these sails to Bacon Sails last March and after several inquiries
> they finally said the sails had no value because supposedly they were
> de-laminating.  When I left the sails off, the preliminary inspection did
> not show any delamination nor did I see any when the photos were taken.  It
> is not practical for me to pick up the sails and it would be a shame to
> dispose of them.  I’d feel much better if someone could put them to good
> use (or at least store them in their attic).
> Please contact me off line ASAP if you are interested.  I will make
> arrangements so you can pick up one or both.
> Thanks,
> *Ron*
> Ron Ricci
> S/V Patriot
> C&C 37+
> Bristol, RI
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