I have two jibs that I don't use and will give them to anyone willing to
pick them up in Annapolis, MD.  Below are links to photos and specs for each

.       98% Kevlar Jib - https://1drv.ms/f/s!AhpB-lul9d5YrkeG82Ht0IpjLOc5

o   Luff = 51'-5"

o   Foot = 15'-8"

o   Leach = 49'

.       155% Light Kevlar Genoa -

o   Luff = 52'

o   Foot = 24'-9"

o   Leach = 50'-6"

I took these sails to Bacon Sails last March and after several inquiries
they finally said the sails had no value because supposedly they were
de-laminating.  When I left the sails off, the preliminary inspection did
not show any delamination nor did I see any when the photos were taken.  It
is not practical for me to pick up the sails and it would be a shame to
dispose of them.  I'd feel much better if someone could put them to good use
(or at least store them in their attic).   

Please contact me off line ASAP if you are interested.  I will make
arrangements so you can pick up one or both.  



Ron Ricci

S/V Patriot

C&C 37+

Bristol, RI

 <mailto:ron.ri...@1968.usna.com> ron.ri...@1968.usna.com


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