I am new to the stack pack family - just installed this week. Ours is a Doyle Cradle Cover (Doyle Stack Pack not attached to the sail). Mast had a Tides track. The sail is also new a North 3Di and very stiff. I could use any tips on handling this system because I'm having trouble getting the sail into the cover enough to zip it up. Zipper and top of cover is approx. 8' above the deck at the mast. Very hard to reach especially over the cockpit. Have 1 step at the mast but still feel like Tarzan swinging from a vine when putting the sail in. It would probably help if I were 7' tall!
Questions: (1) should the cover be fully up when dropping the sail or eased? (2) what kind of extension or line do people use on the zipper car? There's a you tube video of a continuous line zipper trolley that looks good but no info on how it's rigged. (3) is it typical to have to "stuff" the sail into the cover before zipping? Or is my problem just a new stiff sail? (4) can the mast cover be left in place when sailing, dropping the sail? (5) is it better to let the sail drop quickly - letting go of the halyard - or easing it down? (6) any other helpful hints would be appreciated. thanks Tony C&C 41 C/B #96 Triumph ________________________________ From: CnC-List <cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com> on behalf of bwhitmore via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 10:56 AM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: bwhitmore Subject: Re: Stus-List Anyone Have A Stack Pack? Fyi, when we are sailing, we do not remove our short cover that goes around the mast and is zipped on both sides. The zippers are far enough forward that chafing the sail has never concerned me. Zipping and unzipping the stack pack has been made much easier by attaching a sail tie to the long zipper car, as I am too short to reach up above the stack pack. I also added two foldable aluminum mast steps so I can step up the front of the mast enough to finish the last of the zip & tuck. I can take photos and post them if anyone is interested. Bruce Whitmore 1994 C&C 37/40+ "Astralis" Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Ken Heaton via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 5/16/18 7:46 PM (GMT-05:00) To: cnc-list <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Cc: Ken Heaton <kenhea...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Stus-List Anyone Have A Stack Pack? This is what our main looks like after just dropping it, without taking any time to zip the cover shut or to put the separate front cover on (similar to Josh's setup). https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vcTap2SToF8/WlARaGxmTCI/AAAAAAABqLU/8OJ_WtmY6JkgY7o6zOjQfjyXcRM2G92mACLcBGAs/s1600/IMG_2574%2BSalazar.jpg This is what it looks like zipped up and with the front cover on as well: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U-z3eISLNhQ/WlAUw3PY9WI/AAAAAAABqMY/te2nqCik-GUjlHJoZvQPfRKgWtKgWLoqwCPcBGAYYCw/s1600/20130811_Salazar%2Bat%2BBen%2BEoin%2BMarina_0030.JPG Ken H. On 16 May 2018 at 20:04, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>> wrote: I have a sail pack custom made by my sail maker - Clark McKinney at Quantum Sails in Solomons, MD. It makes packing the sail quite simple but be warned, the boom height can still make zipping the pack and flaking down the sail a bit awkward. I shopped around to various sail makers and off the shelf products and finally decided on the customizations afforded by using a local canvas maker. Had I done it myself with the existing lazy jacks my lead would have come off the mast too low and too narrow. I have a tides marine strong track with 5 battons so the stack height had to be carefully accounted for. I was also involved with the design of the forward part of the pack cover. Some have a large flap that wraps around the front of the mast and zips into the opposite side. I didn't like the unanswerable question of what happens to this flap during the sail? Another design option (better but not great) is to have the flap unzip on both sides of the pack allowing it to be removed completely during sail use. I was concerned about potential chafe of the zippers on the sail and mast. The sail maker took my suggestion and built a short sail cover. It works like a normal cover and goes on top of the closed sail pack, its just short. It extends about 2 or 3 feet down the boom. It finishes off and protects the leading edge of the pack and sail and also protects the head board of the sail. Since then the same sailmaker has further experimented and has developed a schrunchie elasticated area that automatically closes the leading edge of the pack with no other action required by the user. Get with me off list and I can provide pictures, costs, and contact info. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Wed, May 16, 2018, 2:10 PM Edd Schillay via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>> wrote: Listers, Has anyone installed a Stack Pack (http://www.doylesails.com/stackpack/index.html) or similar? Pros? Cons? All the best, Edd Edd M. Schillay Starship Enterprise C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B City Island, NY Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log<http://enterpriseb.blogspot.com/> _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray _______________________________________________ Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and every one is greatly appreciated. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray
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