I have radar and AIS receiver on Pegasus, radar and installing AIS transponder  
on Rebecca Leah. I was cruising near Port Townsend in the fog when the screen 
of my radar went blank. Had the AIS receiver so was able to see the ferry that 
was too close for comfort. Called him on the radio. Was able to avoid a bad 
situation.  If interested in AIS talk to Doug Miller at MilltechMarine.com He 
is who I bought my LF39 from and he hooked me up with the AIS transponder.  

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE DeviceDoug Mountjoy POYC Pegasus (for sale) Lf38 
Rebecca Leah LF39 
-------- Original message --------From: David Castor via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> Date: 9/18/17  13:24  (GMT-08:00) To: 
cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: David Castor <dpcas...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: 
Stus-List GPS, Chart Plodders and Technology when there is none 
I'd put higher priority on radar. Not all vessels have AIS. Or have it on.   
Just my $0.02. 
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:11 PM Rick Rohwer via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
I have general charts aboard and tools to dead reckon with! I can see no reason 
to not have at least a handheld GPS aboard with batteries. If you can swing it 
though you should have a plotter!  Great peace of mind!I think I would prefer 
having AIS to radar. I have the radar but no AIS currently!A good friend said 
the added benefit of AIS is knowing how many folks (roughly) are in the 
anchorage before you pull in! I have read some very negative feedback on real 
time tests on radar reflectors?

Rick Rohwer Paikea 37+Tacoma, WA

On Sep 18, 2017, at 12:55, Frederick G Street via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

I agree with Jack, as well; but the original post was sent by a person who 
sails in the Vancouver Island area, which has far less shifting sand and far 
more immovable rock…   :^)
Any electronic device is not a replacement for good seamanship and piloting — 
but it can definitely be of great help when the wether goes bad or it’s dark 
out.  You still have a responsibility for keeping proper lookout, and for 
double-checking your position.
— Fred

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI

On Sep 18, 2017, at 11:22 AM, David Kaseler via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
Jack I agree with all you say.Dave.1975 C&C 33SLY

Sent from my iPad
On Sep 18, 2017, at 8:33 AM, jackbrennan via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 

Of course, the caveat to all of this is that,  depending on where you sail, 
even up-to-date charts can be anywhere from mildly off to wildly and 
dangerously inaccurate.
In the Keys and South and West Florida, where sand shifts all of the time, 
TowboatUS and Seatow do a fine business from boaters blindly following their 
chartplotters. Many inlets and channels in West Florida have nasty, uncharted 
After Irma, forget about it. Who knows what's where? You could go aground on a 
sunken boat.
Depth sounders and the ability to read water are more valuable navigation tools 
in places like this. I like paper charts because you get a bigger view. A GPS 
is wonderful for confirming that you are where you think you are. 
Still, I get the allure of all that gear. I crewed on a friend's catamaran to 
Fantasy Fest in Key West last fall. His electronics were several times more 
valuable than many of our boats.
I felt like I was on the con of the Starship Enterprise. Especially when we hit 
warp speed (10+ knots). The only thing the electronics couldn't do was spot 
crab pots at night. :)
Jack BrennanFormer C&C 25Shanachie, 1974 Bristol 30Tierra Verde, Fl.

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Excuse the brevity. Sent from my phone. 

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