Actually, there is no FEDERAL chart carriage requirement (in the US) for recreational boats. There may be a requirement is some states, but I’m not aware of any.
For a US vessel carrying paying passengers, you must have paper charts (Unless you have a really elaborate and expensive electronic charting system like those approved for large commercial vessels like cruise ships.), and the charts must be updated to the latest Local Notice to Mariners (LNM). Keeping a set of charts up to date every week can be a big drain on time; trust me I used to do it. The real problem was keeping all the other stuff you need to carry, like the Light List & Coast Pilot, on a passenger vessel up to date. The way we kept up to date charts on the schooner of which I was Master was to periodically print a set of NOAA Booklet Charts for the area in which we did trips. NOAA now has a page on the chart website where you check the date of the most recent changes to a chart if you know the chart number, which makes printing a current Booklet Chart a fairly easy proposition. And at least in District 5, having a current Booklet Chart satisfies the carriage requirement for the USCG Certificate of Inspection so I assume it would also satisfy the requirement for an Uninspected Passenger Vessel (6 Pack) as well. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh Muckley via CnC-List Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 12:27 PM To: C&C List <> Cc: Josh Muckley <> Subject: Re: Stus-List GPS, Chart Plodders and Technology when there is none Even the ones that NOAA gives away aren't officially authorized for navigation. The exception is when a certified chart printer is used to print the charts from the free files. Obviously there is a charge for such services. Josh
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