On a happier note - this could be the first ever episode where Scotty gets to 
say “Captain, the impulse engines can’t handle it but warp drive is good to go”…


> On Jun 24, 2015, at 6:46 PM, Ron Ricci via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> Edd,
> Sorry about your impulse engine.  I’d factor in how much you spend each year 
> to own the boat.  My guess is that it works out to close to a B.O.A.T. unit 
> per week.  The BETA-30 sounds like a good deal.  You’d have a brand new 
> engine without having to screw around waiting to get your old engine rebuilt. 
>  If I repaired the old engine, I’d consider making sure of a new starter, 
> alternator, mixing elbow, injectors, mounts. etc. unless you recently 
> replaced any of them.  These add up quickly.
> Good luck.  It’s always fun to spend someone else’s Federation credits.
> Regards,
> Ron
> Ronald V. Ricci
> S/V Patriot
> C&C 37+
> Bristol, RI
> ron.ri...@1968.usna.com <mailto:ron.ri...@1968.usna.com>
> From: Edd Schillay [mailto:e...@schillay.com <mailto:e...@schillay.com>] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 3:42 PM
> To: C&C List
> Subject: Stus-List C&C 37+ Repower -- Ugh
> Listers,
> The yard is pulling out the Enterprise’s engine tomorrow. They can’t get it 
> to turn more than 3/4 of the way and they think it’s a bent rod or something. 
> So, as far as I can see, the options are:
> 1. They ship this engine to a place that can fix/rebuild. I know this is the 
> lowest-priced option, but also am aware that there’s a possibility it can’t 
> be fixed or rebuilt. So, in essence, I’m gambling with all that time and 
> labor.
> 2. Obtain a remanufactured Universal M-35 or a similar engine from Westerbeke 
> and get that put in — anyone have any clue as to those costs?
> 3. Obtain a Beta-30 from Beta Marine for $11,000 including shipping and put 
> that in. The Beta guy (who has been enormously helpful) says it should be a 
> perfect match (same mounts, same power, lighter engine)
> Anyone have any advice, experience or comments with any of these options. If 
> it were you, what would you do? 
> Wanted to get this email out before I threw up. 
> All the best,
> Edd
> Edd M. Schillay
> Starship Enterprise
> C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
> City Island, NY 
> Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <http://enterpriseb.blogspot.com/>
> <image001.png>
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