If the crank won’t turn, the suggestion about a bent rod is a real possibility. 
Hydraulic Lock (cylinder full of incompressible water) would cause that.


Contact your nearest Kubota tractor dealer about an engine rebuild. The 
marinized parts of the engine like the raw water pump and the heat exchanger , 
and all the injection system, are going to be OK. The block is almost certainly 
OK, as is the crankshaft. You might well need a set of rods and pistons, and 
will certainly need the head machined and rebuilt. Other stuff like rings, 
bearings, and seals would have been replaced in a rebuild anyway.


Based on 20+ years of experience in the industrial machinery business, and my 
own experience with a Universal M35B that locked up, you are probably looking 
at a week to 10 days for the repair and (at labor costs in North Carolina) 
$5500 to $6500 for the rebuild. The Kubota dealer will be less than getting the 
work done by the Universal dealer/distributor (the Universal is, after all, a 
BOAT engine).


For option 2, see my earlier post about getting an M35B bobtail engine and 
reusing your existing transmission and wiring. Call Engines One in Norfolk, VA 
(may actually be Chesapeake, but they will be listed on the Westerbeke 
website). They are the regional distributor from whom I bought my engine. Once 
the engine gets to you, it should take about a day to swap the transmission, 
drop in the engine, hook up the wiring and other connections, and align the 
engine. My bobtail M35B was about $6300 in 2010.


Another advantage of using the bobtail is all the spares you can harvest off 
your old engine. Injectors, pumps, alternator, starter, heat exchanger, wiring 
harness, sensors, etc. 


Did you talk to Richard at Beta here in North Carolina? He is correct; the Beta 
30 (and the 35) are both based on the same Kubota tractor engine as the M35B, 
so they are essentially the same except for paint color and the components used 
to marinize the engine.



Rick Brass

Imzadi  C&C 38 mk 2

la Belle Aurore C&C 25 mk1

Washington, NC



From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Edd Schillay 
via CnC-List
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 3:42 PM
To: C&C List
Cc: Edd Schillay
Subject: Stus-List C&C 37+ Repower -- Ugh




The yard is pulling out the Enterprise’s engine tomorrow. They can’t get it to 
turn more than 3/4 of the way and they think it’s a bent rod or something. 


So, as far as I can see, the options are:


1. They ship this engine to a place that can fix/rebuild. I know this is the 
lowest-priced option, but also am aware that there’s a possibility it can’t be 
fixed or rebuilt. So, in essence, I’m gambling with all that time and labor.

2. Obtain a remanufactured Universal M-35 or a similar engine from Westerbeke 
and get that put in — anyone have any clue as to those costs?

3. Obtain a Beta-30 from Beta Marine for $11,000 including shipping and put 
that in. The Beta guy (who has been enormously helpful) says it should be a 
perfect match (same mounts, same power, lighter engine)


Anyone have any advice, experience or comments with any of these options. If it 
were you, what would you do? 


Wanted to get this email out before I threw up. 


All the best,





Edd M. Schillay

Starship Enterprise

C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B

City Island, NY 

Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <http://enterpriseb.blogspot.com/> 






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