Listers, The yard is pulling out the Enterprise’s engine tomorrow. They can’t get it to turn more than 3/4 of the way and they think it’s a bent rod or something.
So, as far as I can see, the options are: 1. They ship this engine to a place that can fix/rebuild. I know this is the lowest-priced option, but also am aware that there’s a possibility it can’t be fixed or rebuilt. So, in essence, I’m gambling with all that time and labor. 2. Obtain a remanufactured Universal M-35 or a similar engine from Westerbeke and get that put in — anyone have any clue as to those costs? 3. Obtain a Beta-30 from Beta Marine for $11,000 including shipping and put that in. The Beta guy (who has been enormously helpful) says it should be a perfect match (same mounts, same power, lighter engine) Anyone have any advice, experience or comments with any of these options. If it were you, what would you do? Wanted to get this email out before I threw up. All the best, Edd Edd M. Schillay Starship Enterprise C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B City Island, NY Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <>
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