Navtec recommends coiling no less than 200 times diameter.

Dennis C.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 13, 2015, at 10:35 AM, Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> No idea. Rigger is over an hour away. As it stands now he's asked me to ship 
> him the upper and lower so that he can ensure the new fitting fits with the 
> rest of the rig. 3' to 4' coils is what was recommended, which sounds tight 
> to me but he's the expert so I trust him. I'll be off to the boat to collect 
> the two pieces of rod after work today, then straight to purolator. 
> This must be some kind of sign .. I think that Neptune is telling me to move 
> my boat to Georgian bay. I bet I can get it trucked up there by the time that 
> rod is ready. I'm already paid up for the season though so I guess I'de be a 
> fool to do it. Georgian bay is calling though. One can only sail to the 
> thousand islands so many times (two and three week trips both of the past two 
> years, time to start spending vacation time a little differently). 
> Steve
> Suhana, C&C 32
> Toronto
>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List 
>> <> wrote:
>> Maybe I'm a fool for suggesting this but any reason you can't replace that 
>> rod with the mast up?
>>> On May 13, 2015 11:21 AM, "Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List" 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> The word from Navtec is "replace", which doesn't surprise me. I don't see 
>>> that they have much incentive to tell me to sail with it as is, from both a 
>>> liability perspective as well as a sales perspective. Oh well, our short 
>>> sailing season just got shorter :(
>>> it's going to be about two weeks before I can get the stick up again. And 
>>> then I'm not sure where I'll be putting it up. We had an agreement for this 
>>> Friday for me and a few other boats from our small club to use one of the 
>>> larger club's cranes. I'm missing out on that party so it looks like I'll 
>>> be going to one of the sketchy port guys down on Cherry Street. I've had 
>>> experiences with one of those guys and it was terrible, so I guess I'll try 
>>> the other guy. Unless any Toronto listers have other suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Steve
>>> Suhana, C&C 32
>>> Toronto
>>>> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Michael Brown via CnC-List 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I would file/grind/buff down the suspected crack to see what it is. At 
>>>> worst the
>>>> end is defective and you are sure. I doubt taking 1/64" or less off will 
>>>> make a
>>>> cracked part any worse. At best after you buff it out there is no crack 
>>>> and the
>>>> die does not show up you should be good.
>>>> From your original photo #3 you might try in the middle of the flat part.
>>>> Michael Brown
>>>> Windburn
>>>> C&C 30-1
>>>> Message: 10 
>>>> Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 09:24:57 -0400 
>>>> From: Stevan Plavsa <> 
>>>> To: "" <> 
>>>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Rig - crack? 
>>>> Message-ID: 
>>>>     <> 
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" 
>>>> Rob was by yesterday, bless him for coming out at 7:00pm on short notice 
>>>> .. 
>>>> then putting up with my rowing into the wind and chop. He's a good sport. 
>>>> Did the dye test .. jury is out. He's going to Navtec with the pictures 
>>>> and 
>>>> I should know by today. If I had more time I would replace it on principle 
>>>> but I've got crane time booked on Friday with no idea when the next 
>>>> opportunity might be, more than likely I'de be paying to have it done 
>>>> later 
>>>> in the season. The lost time is more of a concern than the spent money. 
>>>> So, 
>>>> if the rig needs fixing then I'm out for a couple of weeks at least. If 
>>>> not 
>>>> .. then the mast goes up on Friday just in time for our long weekend! If 
>>>> the best case scenario pans out I'll be making plans starting now to have 
>>>> the eye dealt with in the fall, as well as one seized tie bar, otherwise 
>>>> the rig is sound. I was hoping to spend boat bucks on a new cabin sole and 
>>>> running rigging this year. We shall see. 
>>>> Cheers, 
>>>> Steve 
>>>> Suhana, C&C 32 
>>>> Toronto 
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