One have be able to prove time at sea over a 5 year period (I think that it
is 365 days total, but you can look this up under the licensing
requirments) and if applying for Mater's license (offshore limits apply)
that must be proven to have taken place over the demarcation line

Best regards,
Jack Fitzgerald
C&C 39 TM

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Pete Shelquist via CnC-List <> wrote:

> I always understood the on-the-water hours qualification was the more
> limiting restriction.  Is that not in place anymore?
> I know a lot of licensed captains out there aren’t worth a damn.  IE:  It
> takes more than just passing a test.
> *From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *Tim
> Goodyear via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Friday, October 03, 2014 11:48 AM
> *To:* Josh Muckley;
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Online Captains License or class room?
> I second Josh's comments about Mariners Learning System - but I had the
> hard copy books (as well as online / DVD's) and found myself using them on
> long flights, making notes etc.  I passed the test easily after taking the
> course - I added a couple of apps to my phone for light / signal flash
> cards that came in handy.  I would recommend Mariners Learning System - if
> you are OK learning from materials / on your own.  Just to note, this was
> not my first experience with certification, having done the RYA tests when
> I lived in England.
> Getting the correct medical and drug testing done is not as simple as it
> sounds.
> Tim
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
> Online at mariners learning system was fine for me and my wife.  I didn't
> like the materials because it was a video that simply read through the
> course book.  The tests were simple quizes and module tests were rote
> memorization of the written and video material.  We made flash cards of all
> of the quiz and test questions and passed the final test pretty easily.
> Crammed the night before.
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C 37+
> Solomons, MD
> On Oct 3, 2014 10:59 AM, "Curtis via CnC-List" <>
> wrote:
> Need some advise
> I have always wanted to get my ticket. When i retire I want to be able to
> move some boats for a living maybe for a local marina and the like. I want
> to get the ball rolling. But I find that there are from around $500 bucks
> on line to as much as 1500 in class type schools. I was hoping for some
> incite on the better way to take and pass the test. I want to learn and I
> want to pass. I want to better hone my skill to become a better skipper. I
> have a 65 mile ride to Charleston or a 30 mile ride to Savannah to find a
> school. Are the On-Line courses sufficient enough to make the test
> passable? I would thing a instructor would be needed to prepare for a test
> like that? they claim a 98% pass rate.
> Lets here your 2 *¢*
> *Best regards,*
> *Curtis McDaniel, *
> *C&C 30-MK1 East Coast Lady*
> Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
> didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
> from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
> Discover.  -Mark Twain
> * <>*
> *~~~~ __/) ~~~~*
> .
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