you wrote:
Hole saws! Way too obvious!  Why was 1/4 inch too thick?  Looks like you
had plenty of room.

1/4 would have worked, but at the time the steering wasn't in and I wanted to leave myself some room to fiddle. To align the steering cables just right with the quadrant, it's easiest to move the entire rudder post up or down a millimeter. That's a heck of a lot easier than trying to move the quadrant or the idler pulleys under the pedestal.

I just went back and looked at it (for the first time in too long) and the bearing looks fine from the side, so 1/8 inch is fine. I can't really determine the wear on it without taking the donut off and measuring it with calipers and messing up my entire steering, and I have enough things to do right now. (I'm watching a James Bond marathon -- and no they don't broadcast that here, but I have a few TBytes of movies that play on my 12V TV. note to self: buy more solar panels.)


PS, no it's not all fun and games. Actually I spent the entire day taking buses to where I could get some real Ancor wire, connectors, and a fuse holder. I just shipped some parts down, and the important part is a Teledyne hour meter. The darn hour meter on the Tach quit after the gears got out of alignment, because I bounced the boat too hard last year. Darn square waves, there really ought to be a international regulation prohibiting them. Heck, what's the UN for, anyway? Anyway, the Tach works fine so why mess with it, and an hour meter costs $30, and I can mount this one in the nav station which is where I'm always sitting when trying to compute fuel consumption.

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