

Do you know if the C-Map NT card I use in my CP190c will work in the CP190i?


If it does work, do you know of any way that I could make a copy of the card
I already have?  I would like to have both units up and going at the same
time but I would prefer not to have to by a new C-Map card




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rich
Sent: February 20, 2014 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Navigation Software


Here's the info on the SH 190i. 


The unit is available with or without a base map and both versions accept
c-map cards. 


The base map gives detailed depths up to around 30'. In deeper water there
are no depths shown on the screen. If you want more detailed information
about ports, deeper depths and marks etc. , you will need an appropriate
c-map cartridge of the area you need up to a card for all of North America
and environs. Prices vary accordingly. 


The Binnacle typically does not advertise electronics on their US website as
selling cross-border can be a hassle for all parties. Prices and details are
on the Canadian web site. Hope this clears up the mystery. 


Regardless where you buy it, the CP190i is a great plotter. 





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