

This is a really great little unit.I have had an earlier version mounted in
a pod on the binnacle guard for a few years now.mine has an external
mushroom type antenna but this one has an internal antenna which I would
prefer..price seems pretty good at $377.95.  I have got a lot of good
reliable use from my Standard Horizon CP190C which is getting close to 10
years old and resides year round on the binnacle guard.I an seriously
considering getting the one here to update and so that I can use the old one
at the Nav station.Boat show prices are usually better




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan
Sent: February 19, 2014 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Navigation Software


The problem with an expensive helm mounted chart plotter is that it'll be
old news in a few years. I'm not keen on spending ~$1500 or more on a chart
plotter that will be "old tech" a few years from now. The iPad does so much
more than navigation and is half the price. Sure, you can't read it easily
in sunlight and it's not waterproof .. I can buy two iPads for the price of
a raymarine plotter though. And I can take the iPad home and do all sorts of
other things with it (primarily reading sailing magazines with Zinio) but I


I'de like to have a plotter, or some kind of multi-display unit at the helm
but the prices on them aren't justified in my opinion. I am making the same
thing using OpenCPN, a laptop and likely the Standard Horizon GX2200 for GPS
and AIS info for the laptop. I already have the laptop, OpenCPN is free (and
good!) so I'll only be spending the $350 on the AIS/GPS capable VHF
radio.... vs $1500 for the same functionality at the helm? I can't justify


If the technology was more modular, ie; the multidisplay had proper buttons
and was really *JUST* a display and interface I'de be more interested. $1500
is a lot to spend on what is essentially a touch screen monitor .. except
it's not is it? It's a raymarine/garmin/sh whizbang that isn't upgradable
and will essentially suck compared to the new stuff in 5 years. Oh yeah,and
charts are really expensive too. I happily paid $50 for navionics with
charts for all of North America!!! Charts that get updated! Give me a
waterproof, sun viewable iPad type device that uses open protocols that i
can mount at the helm and I'de gladly spend $1500 on it. All I need is a
display and an interface (buttons and touch, but don't take my buttons
away). A computer is a computer is a computer....


There are nice plotters that I would like to have, it's just a question of
value for the money. My boat bucks are needed elsewhere.



Suhana, C&C 32



On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Roger Ware <>

I have an iPad with Navionics but still find some shortcomings (a) the
software doesn't do very much except tell you where you are (b) the iPad is
not sunlight readable  and (c) not waterproof.  I am a bit surprised by the
level of enthusiasm among this expert group  - surely a purpose built helm
mounted chartplotter still dominates?


Cheers, Roger Ware

Kingston, Ontario

Waiting for Spring, or at least a break in this miserable Winter


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: February-19-14 9:50 AM

Subject: Re: Stus-List Navigation Software


On deliveries I use every piece of equipment available. On my own boat, I
have radar and an old plotter. On both the iPad is my go-to nav unit. On my
boat, when I'm anchored and in my bunk I can instantly check whether I'm
dragging with a glance at my iPad. On deliveries, when I'm off watch, I can
check on what course and speed the watch on deck is able to maintain. I also
carry a very basic hand-held GPS as back up and almost all boats I get on
have at least a hard-wired GPS aboard and most have a plotter.


C&C 40



On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Richard N. Bush <> wrote:

Andrew, I note your comment about using the ipad for navigation; do you also
use some type of MPS or chartplotter on your personal boat? and if so, how
is it used in conjunction with the ipad?   On deliveries, do you use the
boat's navigation equipment? Or just your personal ipad? Thanks


1985 37 CB (sunshine and 60 degrees-snow is melting!)

Richard N. Bush Law Offices 
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 9
Louisville, Kentucky 40220 


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Burton <>
To: cnc-list <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 9:17 am
Subject: Re: Stus-List Navigation Software

I use iNavX on my ipad and haven't actually pulled out a paper chart in more
than two years (15,000 miles). I still carry the paper charts but haven't
used 'em. It's the only plotter I use on my boat.


C&C 40



On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Nonpareil Racing <>

Steve et al,
Have you considered using an ipad with Navionics or another brand of

Tom Anderson
C&C 32 Nonpareil
Marblehead MA
81 days to launch
9 days to BVI cruise
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Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett Ave
Newport, RI
USA 02840
phone  +401 965 5260 

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Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett Ave
Newport, RI
USA 02840
phone  +401 965 5260 

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album


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