Thanks Fred, very helpful.

I have can make the two house banks into one using the existing 4 way. I think. 
 I can use the other 4 way to isolate the starter battery, I believe. And, if 
the started idolater works like the echo charge, and I think it does, and if 
it's hooked up correctly, then all I need is the fuse and switch for the 
inverter, and to set switches correctly. I'll check it out when it gets warmer 
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Frederick G Street <> wrote:

>Your main DC breaker is probably a 50- or 100-amp breaker.
>The inverter would ideally be wired THROUGH THE APPROPRIATELY SIZED FUSE and 
>through a disconnect switch, directly to the main house positive bus.  As your 
>house batteries are apparently split, this makes it a little more complicated. 
> It sounds like you may need to sort out the battery wiring, as it’s a bit 
>unclear; then decide if you want to rewire to simplify things.
>My recommendation: put all your house batteries in one large bank, with one 
>on/off switch; keep the start battery separate, also with one on/off switch; 
>consider adding an emergency cross-connect switch between the two; and replace 
>the (probably diode-based) isolator with something like an Echo-Charge to keep 
>the starter battery charged up.  All charging sources would then go to the 
>large house bank, including the alternator and your shorepower charger.
>Make sense?  I think I have a Blue Sea Systems model 8280 battery switch panel 
>  that would work for you; I’d sell it at less than cost, if you’re 
>interested.  Just add an Echo-Charge and the appropriate cabling and fuses and 
>you’re good to go.
>Fred Street -- Minneapolis
>S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(
>On Feb 17, 2014, at 3:30 PM, Daniel Sheer <> wrote:
>Two questions I hope I hope the listers here can give me some guidance on.
>1) I broke the toggle on the 12v main breaker on my LF38. The sticker with the 
>amp rating is gone. Anybody know what size I need? 
>2) I have a 1000 w West Marine inverter. I need opinions on how it gets wired 
>into the battery banks. 
>I have a separate starter battery and two banks of house batteries, each bank 
>has two 12v batteries There's a 4 position switch that isolates the starter 
>battery from the house batteries (off, 1, 2, all), I think, and a 4 position 
>switch that isolates or combines the two house banks, again, I think. There's 
>also a starter isolator that isolates the starting battery for starting and, I 
>think, prevents discharge from the starter battery to the house, but combines 
>everything for charging from my 55 amp alternator. Clearly, I have yet to 
>fully figure out and confirm how it's all wired.
>I'd really apreciate some advice here. 
>Dan Sheer
>Pegathy LF38
>Rock Creek off the Patapsco
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