Here's another article online about repairing a fuel tank.
Plus a product I found online
POR 15
I used their rust inhibitor with great success on my motorcycle a few
years back - no signs of rust coming back yet
Dr. Mark Bodnar
B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
Bedford Chiropractic
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
- George Santayana
On 10/02/2014 4:03 PM, Dr. Mark Bodnar wrote:
Well, it was a cold weekend, but I wanted to check the boat, make sure
there was no water freezing up inside, and if I'm going to drive down
there then I may as well get at a job or 2.
Stripped off the last bit of upholstery - now I can get all the
cushions re-covered
Then I tried to remove the fuel tank. Let's just say the tank was not
in total agreement with my plan, and as such the process was a little
more violent that I had hoped for - I had to cut the inlet and vent
pipe (but I figure that 1986 hoses are likely due for replacement - so
it was not a huge loss.
Once I had everything disconnected I lifted the mostly empty tank out
of the lazerette - and saw a small pin-hole leak stream out on the top
of the tank. Right where one of the metal tank strap tighteners was
resting - clearly the contrasting metal had corroded a small hole.
Otherwise the tank looks good. Just dirty.
I need to clean the tank up to get a better look - but I'm wondering
how this should be repaired.
Given I wanted to clean out the tank and install an access hatch (but
near the other end of the tank) - should I get a small patch weld?
Or did I read somewhere that a fuel tank can be lined with epoxy.
I feel like I could even just drill out the hole, tap it and screw in
a small bolt with a gasket.
I'm stiff after a few hours in the lazerette fighting with the fuel
tank - but the new boat shine has not worn off yet!
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