My poo tank is in the v-berth and we try to keep that one empty. I imagine
that fuel tankage becomes an issue when making the Galapagos to Marquesas
passage. But then, I'm basing that on things I've read on the internet ...

It just seems that if I'm going to pick a boat and spend a bunch of money I
want to keep my cruising options as wide open as possible. I do love those
40s though, and in my mind "40" was always the magic number in regards to
boat length.

Seriously, what do you guys think of this boat:
I know, something's wrong with it I just wonder what. "offers encouraged".
It's clear from the spec list that lots of stuff needs repair but those are
all odds and ends. If the deck, rigging and motor are sound that's a good
deal. The 40 was a solid hull, no?

Suhana, C&C 32

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Wally Bryant <> wrote:

> I wrote:
>> Watermakers are small, affordable and efficient these days.  I've never
>> regretted pulling the v-berth tank and converting to storage.
> PS.  Removing the weight of the big water tank in the V Berth allowed me
> to carry full chain anchor rode.  Very useful.
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