Well, the 40 was conceived as a racing boat as well as a cruiser, so the
tankage was minimal. In earlier times that capacity would have been right
in line. I've been offshore for a week with 6 of us aboard and used less
than 50 gallons of water. It goes a long way if you don't use it the way we
do on land. As for the fuel, I can think of many times when I would have
wanted more, But I also think or times when the air has been light and the
fuel pretty much gone and been forced to sail. And it didn't take us that
much longer to arrive at our destination. And the 40 does scoot in pretty
much any breeze. That's one of the things I love about the boat.
C&C 40

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Frederick G Street <f...@postaudio.net>wrote:

> While the 40 is a beautiful boat, I'm surprised at the small tankage.  My
> LF38 came stock with 105 gals of water, 35 of fuel, and a 35 gal holding
> tank.  Nothing like the CSY44 (with 400 gals of water and 200 of fuel...),
> but much more than most C&C's.  Seems like you have to work pretty hard to
> get tankage up to spec for longer distance cruising.
> Fred Street -- Minneapolis
> S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(
> On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:55 AM, Andrew Burton <a.burton.sai...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Skip is also a very experienced offshore sailor.
> I like a lot of what he did on Saralane, but most I wouldn't bother with
> on my boat. I like to windows the way they are, and cutting open the
> transom and bridgedeck is more of a project than I want to tackle; it would
> take too much out of my sailing time. The installation of the holding atnk
> behind the head with a gravity feed to empty is the one thing that I can
> see doing. I also like the way he painted the interior. I like the
> Herreshoff look. And it lightens up the interior. I would add dorades and a
> tent over the forehatch. I might convert the forward ports to opening, and,
> as Dave mentioned, install a few fans.
> Andy
> C&C 40
> Peregrine
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Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett Ave
Newport, RI
USA 02840
phone  +401 965 5260
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