If a Landfall 38 fits in there, give me a shout. I'm afraid some health things 
are forcing me to give up sailing. 


> On Feb 4, 2014, at 11:18, Stevan Plavsa <stevanpla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm meeting with my real estate guy tomorrow morning to start a discussion 
> about selling the house. I'm not entirely serious just yet, but serious 
> enough. I have a chance here to live the dream for at least a few years, what 
> happens after, I don't know. It's a serious consideration at this point, not 
> yet a serious plan. Spreadsheets have been made, there's no turning back now!
> My logic is that the Canadian real estate market is overvalued and a 
> correction is on the horizon. If I'm going to live in a depreciating asset it 
> might as well be a boat :) The admiral and I are young yet and not in a rush 
> to have kids. We can take off for a few years and "see what happens". I may 
> never have this chance again, I'm only going to get older and if my genetic 
> heritage is of any indication, crabbier! Once kids are in the picture I can 
> forget about cruising until I retire .. and I might be dead by then! 
> (existential angst - you only live once)
> Curtis, same guy ;)
> What I want:
> Fin Keel.
> Solid build capable of doing passages, not interested in rounding any horns 
> (but who knows how I'll feel in a few years, I prefer to keep my options open)
> Lots of opening ports/hatches (Caribbean cruising - I love the C&C 40 but it 
> fails on this point and lack of tankage but they sure are priced right and 
> beeeeeautiful!)
> Commodious anchor locker, windlass or at least a good place to mount one.
> Lots of tankage.
> A nice interior that will make the admiral happy, specifically a proper 
> galley. Quite frankly we plan to spend a lot more time at anchor than out in 
> a gale so yeah, I like a nice interior! Without a house this is the primary 
> residence, it better be nice. Not interested in "slumming" it around the 
> tropics in a floating dorm room. Separate shower is probably mandatory as 
> well. The Passport 40 is the perfect boat, but I'm too poor for that. Well, I 
> think ... my agent might tell me otherwise tomorrow.
> 40 feet is about the right size. 
> If I could do it all on a C&C 40 that would be the boat. Lack of tankage can 
> be partially addressed with a water maker but it still fails on the 
> ventilation bit and fuel tankage ... unless you guys can convince me 
> otherwise. I get the impression from pictures that they lack storage 
> (cubbies, cabinets, etc). They are priced right though and would leave enough 
> money for a refit. Also, draft may be an issue. I really do love them though, 
> totally based on aesthetics :) and not ashamed to admit that. Looks ARE 
> important. All signs point to the 40 being a good sailor too and that's high 
> on the list for both of us. We're not interested in getting around in an old 
> shoe.
> Steve
> Suhana, C&C 32
> Toronto
>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 9:32 AM, Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca> 
>> wrote:
>> I am reasonably sure there is an Ontario 38 at out club......it looks to be 
>> extremely well equipped for blue water sailing.....I don't know who owns it 
>> but if you are serious about buying this one, let me know and I will attempt 
>> to locate its owner for you.
>> Rob Abbott
>> C&C 32 - 84
>> Halifax, N.S.
>>> On 2014/02/03 9:11 PM, Stevan Plavsa wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'm trying to find more information about the Ontario 38. It's a reach 
>>> because apparently there were only 4 made. George Cuthbertson was the 
>>> designer. The Ontario 32 is a well regarded boat and apparently built well. 
>>> The 38 is good looking but information is very slim. Anyone ever sailed on 
>>> one of these? Knew/know an owner? There is one for sale sort of nearby.
>>> Here's a picture:
>>> http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzUwWDEwMDA=/z/P6sAAOxyUrZS5TbV/$_20.JPG
>>> handsome.
>>> And what info I could find on sailboatdata:
>>> http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=3068
>>> Thanks,
>>> Steve
>>> Suhana, C&C 32
>>> Toronto
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