Started the link just to kick start the shop for the 2014 year for Andy.

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 8:16 PM, Andrew Burton <>wrote:

> I have. I specialize in C&Cs and Js..
> Let me know off list if you would like one.
> By the way, I am going to send Stu a model of his 30 (when he gives me his
> address) in return for all the business I've had as a result of being here.
> But if anyone would prefer not hear about my models just say so and I'll
> shut up. I don't want to be thought of as spamming the list.
> Andy
> C&C 40
> Peregrine
> Andrew Burton
> 61 W Narragansett
> Newport, RI
> USA    02840
> +401 965-5260
> On Dec 19, 2013, at 19:37, Dave Godwin <> wrote:
> Andy,
> Damn. Nice pricing. You have a mold for a J/42? I told myself (and
> promised my wife…) I was done with upsizing boats but I’m getting the itch
> for something different. ;-)
> Cheers.
> Dave
> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
> On Dec 19, 2013, at 4:46 PM, Andrew Burton <>
> wrote:
> Curtiss, $391.50 with an engraved brass plaque. Special price for Stu's
> list. see
> Andy
> C&C 40
> Peregrine
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Curtis <> wrote:
>> $ should be around $400. tp $500.00 if he is competitive with the other
>> ones I have researched today.
>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Stevan Plavsa <>wrote:
>>> wow. As if I didn't already have enough things on the "want to do" list.
>>> Thanks guys.
>>> Andrew, if it's not too much trouble, for my own curiosity would you
>>> mind emailing me off-list and letting me know what a C&C 32 half hull would
>>> cost to have made? It's my birthday in 11 months which gives me a lot of
>>> time to drop hints with the missus.
>>> Steve
>>> Suhana, C&C 32
>>> Toronto
>>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Gary Nylander <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>  Curtis, we hold a half-model making class twice a year at the
>>>> Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. It is probably out of the question for you
>>>> to attend (distance, lodging, etc.) but the fundamentals are not difficult.
>>>> You must make a set of templates from the cross section of the boat -
>>>> ours have about 8 templates for a 10-12 inch model (we do the Pride of
>>>> Baltimore - a clipper type ship). Then set up your blank - we use two
>>>> different colors of wood to give it some drama - joined at the waterline.
>>>> Then band saw the profile from the side and top and you are ready to carve.
>>>> On our style of boats, the keel would be the most difficult, but you could
>>>> carve that separately and join it to the hull (like the real ones) on the
>>>> plaque.
>>>> Just be careful - we don't have any concave areas on our boats like the
>>>> bow area of the Pride, so it is pretty straight forward.
>>>> Lots of sanding.
>>>> Good luck - Gary
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> *From:* Curtis <>
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:19 AM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List C&Cco MK 1 Half Hull wall madel
>>>> Chris,
>>>> Thanks I was hoping for someone to encourage me in that direction. i am
>>>> quite the hands on type and have made cigar humidors in the past.
>>>> Just not sure the process and how to make it to scale. I do have the
>>>> original drawings for my C&C 30MK1 and all the factory build sheets as 
>>>> well.
>>>> maybe I will try this?
>>>> Any help on the process Would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Cheers, Curtis
>>>> On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Chris Price <>wrote:
>>>>>  Curtis, my brother works in the model shop at the Naval Academy and
>>>>> promised me a half hull of Pradel for Christmas when I bought her 14 years
>>>>> ago! I finally decided to make one myself with zero experience and minimal
>>>>> tools. It came out fantastic and I have a great deal of satisfaction when 
>>>>> I
>>>>> look at it on the wall. It was a lot easier than I expected.
>>>>> Chris Price
>>>>> Pradel
>>>>> 35 Mk I
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>  *From: *"Curtis" <>
>>>>> *To: *
>>>>> *Sent: *Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:33:14 AM
>>>>> *Subject: *Stus-List C&Cco MK 1 Half Hull wall madel
>>>>>  Anybody have a contact or know who may have or make wall models of
>>>>> half Hulls? I would love one on my office wall.
>>>>> --
>>>>> “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
>>>>> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
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>>>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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>>>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
>>>> --
>>>> “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
>>>> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
>>>> ------------------------------
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>>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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>>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
>> --
>> “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
>> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
>> _______________________________________________
>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
> --
> Andrew Burton
> 61 W Narragansett Ave
> Newport, RI
> USA 02840
> phone  +401 965 5260
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

“Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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