Curtis, we hold a half-model making class twice a year at the Chesapeake Bay 
Maritime Museum. It is probably out of the question for you to attend 
(distance, lodging, etc.) but the fundamentals are not difficult.

You must make a set of templates from the cross section of the boat - ours have 
about 8 templates for a 10-12 inch model (we do the Pride of Baltimore - a 
clipper type ship). Then set up your blank - we use two different colors of 
wood to give it some drama - joined at the waterline. Then band saw the profile 
from the side and top and you are ready to carve. On our style of boats, the 
keel would be the most difficult, but you could carve that separately and join 
it to the hull (like the real ones) on the plaque.

Just be careful - we don't have any concave areas on our boats like the bow 
area of the Pride, so it is pretty straight forward.

Lots of sanding.

Good luck - Gary
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Curtis 
  Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:19 AM
  Subject: Re: Stus-List C&Cco MK 1 Half Hull wall madel

  Thanks I was hoping for someone to encourage me in that direction. i am quite 
the hands on type and have made cigar humidors in the past.
  Just not sure the process and how to make it to scale. I do have the original 
drawings for my C&C 30MK1 and all the factory build sheets as well.
  maybe I will try this?
  Any help on the process Would be greatly appreciated.
  Cheers, Curtis 

  On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Chris Price <> wrote:

    Curtis, my brother works in the model shop at the Naval Academy and 
promised me a half hull of Pradel for Christmas when I bought her 14 years ago! 
I finally decided to make one myself with zero experience and minimal tools. It 
came out fantastic and I have a great deal of satisfaction when I look at it on 
the wall. It was a lot easier than I expected.

    Chris Price


    35 Mk I


    From: "Curtis" <>

    Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 9:33:14 AM

    Subject: Stus-List C&Cco MK 1 Half Hull wall madel

    Anybody have a contact or know who may have or make wall models of half 
Hulls? I would love one on my office wall.

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  “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline, should 
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