The link takes you to the flexofold web site.

Scrolling down the page you will find a report "The Ultimate Propeller Test"


This test was done by Yachting Monthly in the UK. The report is getting a
bit old but it is certainly worth reading. Some of the data / test results
are very surprising.

I switched from a fixed 2 blade prop to a used 3 blade feathering prop (CDI
- no longer in business) on my 29 mark 2 last spring and I am very happy
with the results. Motoring speed is the same in forward / reverse but with a
huge increase in power / thrust. Prop walk is less than with the 2 blade
fixed. Improved speed under sail. 


Best regards,

Bob Hickson, P. Eng, RHI, CEA

C&C 29-2 Flying Colours

Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club

Pickering, ON

(416) 919-2297



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