I second Rich’s comments regarding MAX prop maintenance and how contacting PYI Inc plus reading the info on their web site as being helpful in the prop type decision.
We did modify Calypso’s prop shaft slightly to install our MAX prop. We did this back in 1999 but IIRC we cut ½” off the threaded end to match the MAX Prop installation specs. Follow the guidelines for insuring the taper and key allow complete seating of the prop to avoid extra vibration and wear. Calypso is in salt water all year. I use Pettit’s Barnacle Barrier zinc paint to protect from cold water growth. I use the MAX prop zinc plus 2 shaft zincs (sacrificial anodes). I dive to check the prop and zincs twice a year and haul out every two years on average. Being in fresh water for the sailing season and out for winter, your maintenance should be significantly easier. If your boat yard has issues with theft consider removing the MAX prop for the winter to avoid it being stolen for the scrap value. The prop is easily removed and re-installed, blades only even easier. Martin Calypso 1971 C&C 43 Seattle From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Rich Knowles Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:04 AM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Subject: Re: Stus-List Folding/feathering Props Sam: www.pyiinc.com<http://www.pyiinc.com> will tell all and may well be your best source too. You may be able to find a used or reconditioned unit. Maintenance on mine has been annual greasing and zinc replacement. 14 years, no problems. Rich On Oct 21, 2013, at 5:02, sam.c.sal...@gmail.com<mailto:sam.c.sal...@gmail.com> wrote: Good experiences; thanks for sharing. Looks like two or three endorsements for the Max Prop; about the same against the Martec; one for the Flexofold; ...and a Gori replacing a Martec! couple of questions: How big a deal is the maintenance on the Max Prop? Is it just a matter of greasing the prop every couple of years or is there more? - I pull the boat out of the lake every October; so it wouldn't be too much of a concern. I still have the old prop on the shaft. Am I correct in assuming that the taper is a standard SAE? I'm going to need to know for sure before I order. (Probably safer to remove the prop and measure for peace of mind!) Any more information / experiences / insights welcome. sam C&C 26. Liquorice Ghost Lake Alberta
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