I went dripless 4 years ago and love it, no fuss. When I had the shaft out I noticed that it was badly worn where the old packing had rubbed on it over the years, if I had re-fit that I would have needed to move the packing to an undamaged section of shaft.

Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11

On 2013-10-16 2:00 PM, Alex Giannelia wrote:

Hello all again!

Now that my new props shaft and prop are ready for the electric motor install, I noticed my stuffing box packing nut is out of round on the inside, so my friendly chandlery guy says this means the stuffing box itself has "ovulated" and I need to replace the whole shooting match so, what says the list?

Then, if this was indeed so, traditional vs. dripless? What are the recommendations this time around? I recall years ago a long thread on this, so if no one wants to re-hash it, point me to the source for reading myself.

Alex Giannelia

CC 35-II 1974 to be renamed after re-launch

TORONTO, Ontario


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