I may have overstated when I said “your feet got wet”. When heeled a lot water 
did come in the lower scupper, but it was only an inch or two confined to the 
lower side of the cockpit sole. More “your feet might get damp” and the water 
drained right out when the heel was reduced. Not really a significant problem. 
As with all of our boats, flat is fast, so I try to keep the heel down to 17-20 
degrees or less. 


When I was racing her regularly, I usually had 3 for crew and sometimes 4. For 
non-spin the boat is easily handled by just 2. I have end boom sheeting with 
the traveler on the transom. The mainsail trim and backstay are handles by the 
helm. Vang is reachable from the cockpit and the spin halyard and pole lift are 
led to a tiny winch on the cabin top for the genoa/spin trimmer. Mastman has 
the genoa halyard on a winch at the mast and the spin and whisker poles to look 
after. When sailing with 4 it was nice to have someone to look after the poles 
and help with dousing, but the 4th person spent a lot of time as rail meat and 
skirting the genoa.


It is, after all, a small boat and easily handles by a small crew. As a matter 
of fact I once raced a 30+ mile distance race single handed flying the 
spinnaker. Sheet in one hand, guy in the other (luckily I never had to gybe), 
and the tiller between my knees. Kind of a trip but boy was I tired and stuff 
when I was finally able to round up and douse the spin.



Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Mark G
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 8:25 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Re: Stus-List COCKPIT DRAINS - Criss - Cross or not?



That is really interesting because I've had my '73 25 heeled over to 40 degrees 
and have never had water in the cockpit.  What could account for the 


You race your 25, right?  How many do you typically have on board... 5 or 6?  
I've never had more than 4 and some were kids.  



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