Hmmmm maybe I do this I won't get the gurgling and occasional water I
Bill Walker
CnC 36
Sent from my HTC
----- Reply message -----
From: "Alex Giannelia" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Stus-List COCKPIT DRAINS - Criss - Cross or not?
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2013 12:29 PM
As I have now finally installed the cover to my Oddisey battery box, I can deal
with the issue of my cockpit drains. Like all 35-2's I have 4 scuppers leading
into 2 seacocks and while the original rig was to drain port for port and
starboard for starboard, I was reading in a boat design and construction manual
that for sailboats it is best to cross them over, so when heeling, you still
drain the cockpit.
What says the crew on this list?
Alex Giannelia
CC 35-II 1974 to be renamed after re-launch
TORONTO, Ontario
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This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album