I can't access the regs without buying them. One bulb manufacturer states that their bulbs meet H-25 standards. That is a gas engine standard.for portable gas systems. H-33 is the diesel fuel system standard.
Joel On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Bill Bina <billb...@sbcglobal.net> wrote: > I believe squeezy bulbs are an issue with USCG for below decks, because > there are no primer bulbs with a type A1 spec rating for use in fuel line > systems for inboard gasoline powered boats. There is no doubt room for > interpretation by anyone doing an "inspection" as to whether it is allowed > for diesel. I don't think you will find it spelled out in the ABYC regs, > but that doesn't mean it will pass inspection by the Coasties if they board > you, or an insurance survey. > > Bill Bina > > > > On 6/7/2013 7:31 AM, Joel Aronson wrote: > > Both my surveyor and mechanic flagged it on my Pearson. Mainesail has > posted that they are not approved. > > Joel Aronson > > > On Jun 7, 2013, at 7:13 AM, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote: > > I found a 1990 revision of the ABYC diesel section H-33. But couldn't > find any mention of a squeezy bulb. It was, from what I could tell, an old > revision and I was kinda skimming. Could have easily missed it. > > I only question it because a squeezy was present on both boats we had > surveyed and there was no mention of a problem. Many of the fellow racers > I know also keep a squeezy bulb. > > I did find mention of electric pumps needing to be tied to the ignition > on/off switch. Seems to make sense. You might not want the fuel pump to > be pressurizing your system 24/7/365 subsequently feeding the contents of > the fuel tank into the bilge via a ruptured hose. Just saying... ;-) > > Josh > > > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > http://www.cncphotoalbum.com > CnC-List@cnc-list.com > > -- Joel 301 541 8551
_______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com