The glow plugs draw a lot of power, and that may be slowing down your engine 
cranking speed somewhat.

It is not unusual for system voltage to drop below the minimum required by 
electronic devices while cranking.

One thing to watch out for is exhaust water getting back into the engine during 
extended cranking.
I have a leak at the exhaust elbow which is hard to pin down for the above 
reason. Can't just hook up a garden hose to the water
injector. Oh joy, oh joy.

Steve Thomas

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List []On Behalf Of David Knecht
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Starting a Universal

I have some more data on my engine issues.  I tried to start it yesterday at 
the slip from battery alone and could not get it to
start although it turned over just fine. I plugged into shore power and got it 
to start after several tries and at that point I
realized that it was in gear (the transmission lever is sticky so it is hard to 
tell neutral from either gear). However, I was
never able to get it to start with glow plug held in while starting.  There was 
no response when I tried this whether on shore
power or battery.  It started up fine from battery several times in the course 
of the afternoon.  However, after one of those
starts, I noticed the GPS was restarting.  Apparently the draw from the starter 
had caused it to shut off.  I plan to measure the
battery voltage next time I am down there as the boat will now have been 
sitting off shore power for a few days, so I should be
able to get an accurate reading.  I plan to eventually take off the engine 
panel and try to clean the starter and glow plug
contacts.  Anything else I should be looking at?  Thanks- Dave

David Knecht
1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT


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