Yea its the pre-cupped vr. Direct injection. pre-Cupped had glow plug
rail the DI did not.

On 5/16/13, Don Wagner <> wrote:
> Just a few comments regarding the use of Glow Plugs..
> I vaguely recall reading in a diesel book, that modern designs of the heads
> and injectors on a diesel do not require glow plugs.
> I had Caterpiller 3208Ts on a trawler (320 HP) and they did not have glow
> plugs.
> I never had any problems starting them, even in below freezing weather. They
> always started promptly on the 1st engine rotation.
> This CAT design was essentially the same as the design used on big trucks,
> earth movers, etc
> I have also read (somewhere, not sure where) that if an engine has a glow
> plug, you should hold it depressed as suggested by the manual, but should
> not have it depressed when starting. The reason given was that the extra
> stress on the red hot glow plug during start up will reduce the lifetime of
> the glow plug.
> Does anyone have any experience with that??
> Don Wagner
> C&C 41 CB
> Yanmar 3HM35F-- no glow plugs
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Curtis" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Starting a Universal
> My Yanmar 2GM dont have them and dont need them. In south Carolina
> where the temp is always higher than my age they start up with no
> problems.
> On 5/16/13, David Risch <> wrote:
>> OK...I gotta ask.
>> I have a 1981 3QM30.  Purrs like a kitten.
>> No glow plug.  Start up cold just fine.  Just a few more cranks.
>> Before
>> this engine  I thought all diesels had glow plugs.
>> What gives?
>> David F. Risch
>> (401) 419-4650 (cell)
>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 04:07:54 +0000
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Starting a Universal
>> David,
>> The glow plugs are only needed when the engine is cold.  I hold that glow
>> plug button for at least 30secs.  Rule of Thumb: Take 100, subtract the
>> water temp and hold it for those seconds, and you should be good for a
>> first
>> try.  If the water is 40 F, hold the button for 60 seconds.  If the water
>> is
>> 70, hold for 30 seconds.   Count 1000 one, 1000 two and so on, or use a
>> watch.
>> Once the engine starts and has warmed up, we go sailing, shutdown the
>> engine
>> and later I restart the engine without needing glowplugs.
>> Chuck
>> Resolute
>> 1990 C&C 34R
>> Atlantic City, NJ
>> From: "David Knecht" <>
>> To: "CnC CnC discussion list" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 3:51:50 PM
>> Subject: Stus-List Starting a Universal
>> I have only had a few tries at starting the M430 engine on my new boat,
>> and
>> I have been told several different stories.  One person said to hold the
>> glow plug button for 5-10 seconds and then start.  Another said 30
>> seconds
>> on the glow plug and then leave the button pushed while also pushing the
>> starter.  The latter worked when I was first starting the engine after
>> the
>> winter while plugged into shore power.  Yesterday I started it for the
>> first
>> time without shore power and found that the starter did not kick at all if
>> I
>> started while also holding the glow plug button.  Started find when I let
>> go
>> the glow plug button.  What is the "normal" starting procedure with a
>> cold
>> engine in cool weather.  Warm weather?  Warm engine?  Thanks- Dave
>> David KnechtAries1990 C&C 34+New London, CT
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