Instead of easing the mainsheet, it's usually easier and faster to ease the 
traveler. It's also faster returning the main to it's proper position after you 
regain control . In that kind of situation, It's helpful to get the crew on the 
rail on the windward quarter. 

Alan Bergen 
C&C 35 Mk III Thirsty 
Rose City YC 
Portland, OR 

----- Original Message -----

>> …if I turned the wheel that aggressively on my 35 I feel certain she would 
>> go up, now I have to try that to find out for sure and ruin a perfectly nice 
>> beat someday. << 

A few years back racing Calypso double-handed in a fully crewed C/R fleet we 
found the point at which the mainsail overcame the rudder. The wind was brisk 
enough for Calypso to be fully powered up, full mainsail and heavy #1 (150%). 

Short tacking the Bainbridge Island shore to stay out of adverse current, on 
Port we planned to duck a slightly smaller Stbd tacker. Calypso’s co-owner, 
Michael was driving, I was trimming both sails. As we bore off I had a little 
difficulty in easing the main about the time a gust rolled through. Calypso 
heeled enough to stall the rudder. The mainsail took over control and the boat 
began to round up to windward. 

I clearly recall the wide eyes in the cockpit of the Stbd tacker as 24,000lbs 
of angry, foaming at the mouth C&C was pointed right at them. Fortunately I got 
the main eased and Michael pumped the rudder several time to re-establish flow 
and control in time to pass safely astern of the Stbd tacker. After that close 
call we throttled back a little and left more space for crossing. 

Dwight, I recommend practicing this type of windward round up to learn how your 
35 MKII handles at the edge of control before a close crossing situation 
develops. Having your race crew part of the practice to get the feel of a 
rudder stall and quick rotation to windward. Having some practice will help 
them concentrate on a quick recovery when time is tight. It can be expensive if 
a crew freezes instead of easing a sheet. 



1970 C&C 43 

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