On 4/11/2013 5:54 PM, Chuck S wrote:
Racing Rules Of Sailing 2009 - 2012 from USSailing (newer version just came out)
Rule 11, Boats on same tack and overlapped; a windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat
Rule 12, Boats on same tack not overlapped: a boat clear astern shall keep clear of a boat clear ahead.

(Both boats were on starboard tack, Blue overtaking and passing Camelot.  Camelot hardened up but did not actually luff, so Blue should have kept clear.)

Rule 14, A boat should avoid contact with another boat if reasonably possible.  However, a right-of-way boat. . . need not act to avoid contact until it is clear that the other boat is not keeping clear or giving room. . .

(Camelot was in her rights to turn upwind but should have taken action to avoid contact when it was obvious Blue could not.)   

Couldn't Blue have turned to the right?

1990 C&C 34R
Atlantic City, NJ

From: "Bob Moriarty" <bobmo...@gmail.com>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:33:09 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Race video

Could someone post a Reader's Digest version of the racing rules that were in play?
Bob M
Ox 33-1
Jax, FL

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:09 PM, Len Mitchell <lmitch...@barrie.ca> wrote:

Did anyone see the Blue Video from the Banderas Bay race/crash last month?






I would love to hear what a hard core race skipper thinks with 20/20 hindsight. Luff and dive? Blue was 5-10 seconds early.


This is better than bottom paint and barnacles we still have some snow to melt!


Len Mitchell

Crazy Legs

Midland On.

C&C 37+

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