Good analysis from all IMHO. Several other points might be made:

1. Blue was coming down the line, mostly parallel to it, on a beam or close 
reach at high speed--barging. While not against the rules, it is a risky 
maneuver in any fleet
and the barger has very few 'rights' in any close encounter and is often moving 
too fast too late to change course in a seaman-like manner.

2. The main was apparently never released and in the breeze, it likely was 
controlling the boat direction, mostly independent of the rudder. 

I came very close to T-boning the RC boat in a similar situation a few years 
ago when the main sheet/traveler jammed and my main trimmer only got it freed 
with about a boat-length to spare.
If we hadn't got it free, my 13,500 lb Water Phantom would have gone at least 
half way into the starboard side of the 41 ft. CS committee boat!
That was the last time, for me, of coming down the line at speed. 

I have also been t-boned by an excellent sailor on a Thompson 30 when their his 
crew were all on the rail and the helms person could not release the main 
sheet. His bowsprit plowed into
my stern quarter for about a 4" high x 12 inch long hole. His rudder was 
over-whelmed by the main.

3. In fleets of mixed boats and skipper skill levels, I think most experienced 
crew/skippers will gladly give up a few seconds at the start to avoid 
situations like this. I know I do.

Charlie Nelson
Water Phantom
C&C 36XL/kcb

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck S <>
To: cnc-list <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 11, 2013 10:58 pm
Subject: Re: Stus-List Race video

Good calls Rick,
I watched that video three times and the only voice I hear is the tactician who 
talks fairly calmly and steadily.  He several times tells the helm to "come up" 
or "turn up".  She doesn't seem to know what "up" is, turns down at first, 
(maybe used to a tiller?) and then corrects too late, and the boat doesn't 
respond.    The whole crew looked rather distracted and inexperienced.  No one 
is looking for traffic.  That's everyone's job.  The Iphone probably has the 
GPS ap running that shows the start line, speed, VMG, etc.  He sees the other 
boat the whole time.  Camelot is to starboard and well ahead when the video 
starts.  She crosses the bow of Blue, and gets leebowed by another boat nearer 
the line, comes over and instigates the manuever that results in collision.  
Awful.  I blame Blue's helmsman for not keeping tabs on competition, and for 
not turning up in time when room was available.   

1990 C&C 34R
Atlantic City, NJ

From: "Rick Brass" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:18:09 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Race video

Actually, if you look at the first minute or so of the video, it appears that 
Camelot was being driven up by another boat while jockeying for position near 
the line. In any event, Camelot had right of way.
As I watched, I was impressed by how closely the tactician was watching his 
little orange Iphone – or whatever it was. He should have had his head out of 
the boat during a start sequence – particularly when they were trying to snake 
the boat past the committee boat end of the fleet at speed. I know he is 
probably watching the clock – but when they got to the point that they had no 
room to luff up and kill time without hitting the committee boat it was time to 
pay attention to the traffic and not the clock .
As Blue approaches Camelot, you can hear someone telling the helmsman to “come 
up”. Even while he is being told to come up, you can see him playing with the 
wheel and actually turning down until he is only a foot or so away from Camelot.
Even at that point, I suspect that a collision was avoidable. But the helmsman 
on Camelot seems to have steered away to port quickly – which just swung his 
stern to starboard and caused the aft half of the boats to collide.
So Blue violated rules 12 and then 11, and it is easily arguable that she also 
violated rule 14,
You could argue that Camelot violated Rule 16.1 “When a right of way boat 
changes course, she shall give the other boat room to keep clear.” (Several 
years ago I was chairman of a Protest Committee who’s ruling after a 
collision/protest just like this one was overturned by US Sailing because of 
Rule 16.1)
As far as who pays for the damage and injuries, the insurance companies will 
probably end up splitting the expense. Blue clearly violated ColRegs rule 13A 
(I don’t suppose you can cite the tactician for ignoring rule 7, but that is 
probably also a factor). But Camelot violated ColRegs rule 2. So there is 
shared liability and the insurance companies get to duke it out.
Rick Brass

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Chuck S
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Race video


Racing Rules Of Sailing 2009 - 2012 from USSailing (newer version just came out)
Rule 11, Boats on same tack and overlapped; a windward boat shall keep clear of 
a leeward boat
Rule 12, Boats on same tack not overlapped: a boat clear astern shall keep 
clear of a boat clear ahead.

(Both boats were on starboard tack, Blue overtaking and passing Camelot.  
Camelot hardened up but did not actually luff, so Blue should have kept clear.)

Rule 14, A boat should avoid contact with another boat if reasonably possible.  
However, a right-of-way boat. . . need not act to avoid contact until it is 
clear that the other boat is not keeping clear or giving room. . . 

(Camelot was in her rights to turn upwind but should have taken action to avoid 
contact when it was obvious Blue could not.)    

1990 C&C 34R
Atlantic City, NJ

From: "Bob Moriarty" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:33:09 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Race video

Could someone post a Reader's Digest version of the racing rules that were in 

Bob M

Ox 33-1

Jax, FL


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:09 PM, Len Mitchell <> wrote:

Did anyone see the Blue Video from the Banderas Bay race/crash last month?
I would love to hear what a hard core race skipper thinks with 20/20 hindsight. 
Luff and dive? Blue was 5-10 seconds early. 
This is better than bottom paint and barnacles we still have some snow to melt!
Len Mitchell 
Crazy Legs
Midland On.
C&C 37+ 

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