Wally's email reminds me of one more important tip I shared recently.

All the tips so far are about buying a particular boat.  Before doing
that, I'd focus on find the nicest, most well equipped boat you can
afford, and buying that one (using all the advice provided so far).

Outfitting/re-fitting a boat is EXPENSIVE and time consuming (this is
the Wally part).  But if you buy a boat that's already outfitted,
you'll save a ton of money.

My $0.02


On 2/27/13, Wally Bryant <w...@wbryant.com> wrote:
> Tom wrote:
>    > One last thing...listen to your heart...
>    > if she's your boat, she'll speak to you.
> Colin wrote:
>    > Or, if the only concern is the engine,
>    > run it while the boat's still on the hard...
>    > Which is probably what I would do.
> - - -
> Well, I was going to spend a great deal of time expounding on this topic.
> However, being drunk before breakfast (oh shucks is it noon already)
> I'll let the above quotes stand as truth.
> At the moment I'm on the hook in a moderately protected anchorage with
> the breeze howling through the rig.
> For four days.
> I call it a breeze because I know what wind is.
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