I don't know about Morse Code these days. Try tapping out "Warp Core Breach Imminent! The Containment Field is Collapsing!" <VBG> You haven't needed it for a HAM license for years.

I just bought an Iridium Extreme sat phone. The new ones have a red SOS button, that automatically sends an SMS text message and a phone call to a call center in Houston manned 24x7. For an additional $15 a year, they *manage* the situation with the nearest SAR organization and cover the first $100K in rescue costs. At the moment, for me that would be the Mexican Navy. The phone is waterproof and has an internal GPS, so the text message gives my position, time and percentage of battery life left. It continues to send the text message until turned off. And you can carry it with you if the boat sinks out from under you. A different button sends a non-emergency text message to five recipients, containing the same position information, with a link to Google Earth that shows the exact position.

After coming within 10 feet of hitting a whale at least once a year, I developed a higher 'perceived value' for emergency communications.

No the Star Trek jokes are recent. It used to be all about cows. Fortunately, I can make jokes about both.


PS. Happy Holidays. I'm just literally watching paint dry on Dec 24... it was a perfect day for painting, with no dew at dawn, 78F at noon with 43% humidity and dead calm. I think I'll get 5 coats of new non-skid on the cockpit sole.

Martin wrote:
I do believe long distance voyaging vessels should have Morse Code capability 
for emergencies but a reference guide or book (paper not electronic) would 
suffice.  Be sure potential assistance crews also know how to communicate in 
Morse Code or it would be like shouting in Klingon.

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