

> From: Joel Aronson <>
>To: Dennis C. <>; "" 
>Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 4:15 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List ISAF regs
>By "hook and loop" do you mean Velcro or equivalent?
>On Monday, November 19, 2012, Dennis C.  wrote:
>Take sail to a sailmaker.  Have him sew a few hook & loop patches on either 
>side.  Make colored patches to fit.  Stick them on either side to be legal.  
>Remove them for non-ISAF sailing.
>>That's how some boats handle their sponsor advertising.  One regatta, boat 
>>sponsored by Advertiser A; another regatta, Advertiser B.
>>Dennis C.
>>Touche' 35-1 #83
>>Mandeville, LA
>>> From: David Risch <>
>>>To: "" <> 
>>>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 1:54 PM
>>>Subject: Re: Stus-List ISAF regs
>>>Go to Sailrite for orange sticky-back cloth of adequate size.   I used that 
>>>on my storm jib and trysail.   Easy and cheap.
>>>David F. Risch
>>>1981 40-2
>>>(401) 419-4650 (cell)
>>>Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 13:34:02 -0500
>>>Subject: Re: Stus-List ISAF regs
>>>A raft is about 600. Epirb should be less. I'd talk to safety chair before 
>>>painting the sail. 
>>>Joel Aronson
>>>On Nov 19, 2012, at 1:27 PM, David Paine <> wrote:
>>>Interesting.  I am playing with sailing the Newport-Bermuda 1-2 and I too am 
>>>a bit scared off by the entry costs.  If I had a storm trisail (I don't 
>>>yet), I'd spray paint the top third orange with a can of compatible (latex) 
>>>paint.  Any idea what the EPIRB/Raft rental costs are?  I qualified last 
>>>summer by sailing the offfshore single handed 160 in my 1975 C&C 33.
>>>>On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Joel Aronson <> 
>>>>The orange was waived down here due to a shortage of orange sailcloth.
>>>>> You may be correct that only a % had to be orange. The speaker was
>>>>>not sure.
>>>>>Joel Aronson
>>>>>On Nov 19, 2012, at 12:57 PM, "Hoyt, Mike" <> wrote:
>>>>>> I believe those requirements were in place for this year's Newport -
>>>>>> Bermuda race as well.  On the boat we sailed I do not think the entire
>>>>>> storm jib had to be orange but a good portion of it did - don't remember
>>>>>> exactly.
>>>>>> Was a very expensive race for our skipper.  On top of the other costs it
>>>>>> required a month's vacation.  Had to get the boat from Halifax to
>>>>>> Newport and then back to Halifax from Bermuda.  It was his third
>>>>>> consecutive NB race and my first ...
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel
>>>>>> Aronson
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 1:48 PM
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: Stus-List ISAF regs
>>>>>> Saturday I attended a meeting about the 2014 Annapolis Bermuda race.
>>>>>> Any delusions I had about sailing my boat were quashed.
>>>>>> Besides the $900 entrance fee, life raft and epirb rental they now
>>>>>> require that the storm job and try sail ( which I have and never have
>>>>>> been used ) be fluorescent orange. An emergency tiller isn't enough.
>>>>>> You need to be able to rig an emergency rudder too!
>>>>>> I'll be looking to crew on a boat owned by someone willing to shell
>>>>>> out for prepping their boat. The race organizers want more entries.
>>>>>> The safety folks apparently want fewer.
>>>>>> Joel Aronson
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