One more consideration, if the final keep configuration adds to the original righting moment, you may want to reinforce the keel stub. If you just cut off 600 lbs of lead and add a 600 lb bulb, it wont be an issue. Most of the time youre just trying to maintain the original righting moment.
If you cut off 600 lbs and add a 1200 lb bulb, the keel joint will be more significantly stressed than the original design. I reinforced the keel stub when we R&Rd the keel on my boat. It had hairline cracks and benefited from a little extra glass work. Having an engineer do the calculations is just common sense. Jake Jake Brodersen C&C 35 Mk-III "Midnight Mistress Hampton VA From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Sébastien Lemieux Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 9:12 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Cutting my keel If adding significant weight to the keel (increasing the righting moment), then you should take into account the increased load on the rig. --Seb
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