For the filter, unscrew it inside a ziploc bag (once you've loosened it).  
Still a bit of mess, but less.

Branford, CT

On Nov 14, 2012, at 4:59 PM, David Risch <> wrote:

> Mark,
> I would run the engine a  bit more with water after the oil change so that 
> you can check oil level and top off if needed.  Then proceed to run 
> anti-freeze through engine.
> Prepare for a big mess with the filter.  Lots of paper towels etc.
> David F. Risch
> 1981 40-2
> (401) 419-4650 (cell)
> Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 13:44:33 -0800
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Winterizing Advice sought for C&C34
> Robert and Jonathon, and all,
> Thanks for the tips; are there suggestions about best practices when 
> doing oil changes on the 34?
> Mark
> From: Robert Abbott <>
> To: Mark Meyer <>; 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:05 AM
> Subject: Winterizing Advice sought for C&C34
> Mark:
> If your boat in 'on the hard', you will need a few pieces of hardware to do 
> the job.....oil pump, garden hose, large bucket and a 10' foot piece of the 
> hose the same diameter as the hose that attaches to your raw water pump.
> Remove the hose on the inlet side of your water pump....attach the 10' piece 
> to the water pump and place the other end in the bucket in the cockpit and 
> fill with water from the garden hose......start your engine and let it run 
> until the engine reaches normal       operating temp......keep the water 
> level in the bucket so you are not sucking in air.
> Shut engine down.....change the oil and filter.
> Now empty water from the bucket and put your antifreeze in the bucket......2 
> gallons will be more than enough.....start your engine and run until you see 
> antifreeze exiting from your exhaust.....shut engine down.
> Some people leave the 10' hose connected to the water pump all 
> winter....makes it easy in the Spring to start your engine before launch to 
> retrieve the antifreeze in the engine.  Some disconnect it and reconnect the 
> raw water hose.
> Hope this helps.
> Bob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2012/11/12 11:03 PM, Mark Meyer wrote:
> Hi List,
> Short season for me this year, bought our C&C34 this spring and did a lot
> to bring her back to where she needs to be. But I'm late winterizing the 
> Diesel 
> engine and am looking for advice and tricks to speed me through getting
> this engine done.
> Any Advice?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark Meyer
> SV Freedom, Whitehall MI
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