Or have a very resourceful PO who plumbed in circuit with a valve and hose 
connection that enables one to close off the the outside intake, connect hose 
to outside water source, open the valve in the plumbed in circuit and run the 
engine quite merrily in minutes.

"Falcon" -- C&C 29-2

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Meyer <fastguy1...@yahoo.com>
To: Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca>; cnc-list <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Wed, Nov 14, 2012 4:44 pm
Subject: Re: Stus-List Winterizing Advice sought for C&C34

Robert and Jonathon, and all,

Thanks for the tips; are there suggestions about best practices when 
doing oil changes on the 34?


  From: Robert Abbott <robertabb...@eastlink.ca>
 To: Mark Meyer <fastguy1...@yahoo.com>; cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:05 AM
 Subject: Winterizing Advice sought for C&C34

      If your boat in 'on the hard', you will need a few pieces of      
hardware to do the job.....oil pump, garden hose, large bucket and      a 10' 
foot piece of the hose the same diameter as the hose that      attaches to your 
raw water pump.
      Remove the hose on the inlet side of your water pump....attach the      
10' piece to the water pump and place the other end in the bucket      in the 
cockpit and fill with water from the garden hose......start      your engine 
and let it run until the engine reaches normal      operating temp......keep 
the water level in the bucket so you are      not sucking in air.
      Shut engine down.....change the oil and filter.
      Now empty water from the bucket and put your antifreeze in the      
bucket......2 gallons will be more than enough.....start your      engine and 
run until you see antifreeze exiting from your      exhaust.....shut engine 
      Some people leave the 10' hose connected to the water pump all      
winter....makes it easy in the Spring to start your engine before      launch 
to retrieve the antifreeze in the engine.  Some disconnect      it and 
reconnect the raw water hose.
      Hope this helps.
      Bob Abbott
      C&C 32 - 84
      Halifax, N.S.
      On 2012/11/12 11:03 PM, Mark Meyer wrote:
Hi List,
        Short season for me this year, bought our C&C34 this spring        and 
did a lot
        to bring her back to where she needs to be. But I'm late        
winterizing the Diesel 
        engine and am looking for advice and tricks to speed me through        
        this engine done.
        Any Advice?
        Thanks in advance,
        Mark Meyer
        SV Freedom, Whitehall MI

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