Thanks for you response, Colin

Based on what I have learned about some of your cruising experiences from
this list I accept that you are much more qualified than I am to put a
number on it.  

I am, however, surprised with such a high number.  Nonetheless, I think that
I will remain a member of the minority on this practice.  I must add,
however, that when I refer to "cruising" my experience has been coastal
cruising, basically along the south shore of NS where many of our friends
and relatives live so we are able to go ashore for visits and have the means
to return to our own home and resupply with fresh water from our well and
fresh vegetables and berries from our gardens every week or so.  Most of our
cruising and live aboard time is in August and the majority of that time is
spent in and around Chester, Mahone Bay, Lunenburg and Liverpool so it is
not difficult and quite practical for us to do it the way we do.

Using taste altering additives like Kool Aid, for example, doesn't change a
thing for me so let it be known that whoever takes a drink on my boat they
can be assured it will not include water from the boats built in storage
tanks and now equipped with the advice I received recently I will be much
more careful about what I drink when on board other boats. Usually that
comes from sealed cans or bottles so it has not really been a big concern so

And Cheers to you too
-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Colin
Sent: November 9, 2012 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List water tanks.


You wondered how many folks use their on board tanks for potable water.
I say almost 100% of all cruisers.  Anything else is just impractical.

And like Rich says, there are lots of ways to make the water taste better.


On 11/9/12, Knowles Richard <> wrote:
> Oh. I forgot: I have a full house size activated charcoal filter between
> tanks and the pump. The rum kills the rest of the taste.
> Rich Knowles
> Halifax, NS.
> On 2012-11-09, at 5:23 PM, dwight veinot <>
> wrote:
> No one has died.death or illness is not the main point for me.the javex
> would probably take care of that but.taste counts too!
> Dwight Veinot
> C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
> Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rich
> Knowles
> Sent: November 9, 2012 5:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List water tanks.
> I've been running water, javex, soap solution through every fall, followed
> by a good rinse and then plumbing alcohol. Rinse through thoroughly in the
> spring and add a half cup of javex to each tank. 3 x 30 gals. Had the boat
> 15 years, drunk the water, used it for cooking and mixing drinks. No one
> died and the doctor tells me that the swelling will go down eventually.
> Rich Knowles
> Indigo. LF38
> Halifax
> On 2012-11-09, at 16:30, dwight veinot <>
> wrote:
> How do you clean the lines leading from the tank(s) to the faucets.doesn't
> the same crud that accumulates on the tank walls also accumulate on the
> inside walls of the plumbing hoses.
> I have not cleaned my tanks but I regularly add Javex to the water in them
> (note that we do not drink water from those tanks and would only do so in
> absolute emergency, like lost at sea or something, it is used for washing
> dishes and showering but not for cooking or brushing teeth.  Even if I had
> washed the tanks I would still not be comfortable with consuming the water
> in them, too many uncertain sources used to refill.  I wonder why you
> the wash solution from the tanks with a Shop Vac, instead of pumping the
> wash solution through the plumbing lines and out through the faucets,
> followed by a thorough rinse of the tank and the lines to the faucets with
> fresh water.
> I wonder how many people use water from the boats storage tanks as potable
> water versus carrying bottle water for drinking, cooking and brushing
> teeth.
> Dwight Veinot
> C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
> Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Russ &
> Melody
> Sent: November 9, 2012 3:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List water tanks.
> For water tank cleaning I like a strong bleach solution, say 1/2 cup to
> gallon of warm water (125mL -> 4 Litres).
> pour solution into tank and swish/rub all surfaces with cloth or brush
> let soak 5 - 10 minutes and repeat a number of times (while doing other
> things)
> remove bleach solution with shop vac
> rinse with hose and remove water with shop vac
> if over-wintering, I suggest leaving the tank ports open and cover opening
> with a cotton towel
>          Cheers, Russ
>         Sweet 35 mk-1
> At 10:53 AM 09/11/2012, you wrote:
> What is the best way to clean them. I have access through hatches.
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