Best to use low tox propylene glycol based engine antifreeze. The alcohol in 
"plumbing" antifreeze is hard on rubber parts, and
provides no lubrication.
Same goes for the head. The Wilcox Crittenden literature specifically advises 
against using alcohol based antifreeze in their

Steve Thomas
Port Stanley, ON

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List []On Behalf Of Pat Nevitt
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Winterizing a 2GM20F


I have the same engine, and here are the steps I was taught:

  a..   Purchase 1 gallons of “pink” (general with no corrosion inhibitors) and 
one gallon of “blue or purple” anti freeze with
corrosion inhibitors.
  b..   Find the “winterizing hose” and have it ready.
  c..   Close the raw water thru hull in the engine compartment, and loosen the 
clamps on the hose at the thru hull.
  d..   Remove the hose from the thru hull barb.  Attach the “winterizing 
hose“, on the barb and place the other end in a 2 gallon
  e..   Pour 1 gallon of pink antifreeze into the bucket.  Have ready the blue 
or purple.
  f..   Start the engine, and monitor the antifreeze level in the bucket.
  g..   Right when it is about to get to the bottom, add the entire gallon of 
blue or purple into the bucket.
  h..   Allow the engine to digest all of it to the bottom of the bucket, and 
right before sucking air, shut down the engine.
  i..   Replace the hoses and re-tighten the hose clamps.
I have someone else run the engine while I do the hose/bucket part. It takes 
about a minute to run the stuff out of the bucket.
It isn't very fast.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Sébastien Lemieux <> 

  I'll be winterizing my 2GM20F for the first time tomorrow (saturday) and 
would like some advices on the practical way to fill up
the raw water circuit with antifreeze.  I plan on detaching the intake tube of 
the raw water circuit from the seacock and putting
it in a bucket filled with antifreeze (I'm aiming for 2 gallons, is that 
enough?).  Then, I assume I need to start up the engine
and wait until antifreeze comes out from the exhaust thruhull.

  Should I just crank up the engine (with decompression lever open)?  If I need 
to start the engine, how long should I expect to
it?  Do you leave the tube in the bucket unattended while you stand near the 
control panel to stop the engine?

  Thanks in advance!

  Sébastien Lemieux
  Merlot X - C&C 30 mk2 1987
  Mooney Bay - Lake Champlain

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