Bob, Have done it that way myself for many years. Works great especially when 
really blowing. There is also a little trick of how you hold the lazy guy so it 
never gets put in the jaws backwards and wraps the jaw.I was shown this method 
many years ago by a guy named Tom Dabny, he has or did have a sail loft in 
Mobile Al. Was also an olympic sailer back in the day.JimGalaxy Brielle, NJ

> Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 20:09:00 -0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List Spin Jibes: Dip Pole vs End for End
> Lots of good advice/experience on this subject....interesting reading.
>  From someone who has worked foredecks and has executed jibes from there 
> on various sized boats, my preference would be for 'dip jibes' simply 
> out of selfish reasons, my safety!
> I position myself in front of the forestay, lazy guy in one hand, 
> receive the pole/guy and release with the other hand, attach new guy, 
> call "MADE" the hell out of man handling a spin pole in a 
> breeze and rolling sea trying to make attachments.
> Don't believe me, go try it both ways on a big boat in a breeze!
> Bob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, N.S.
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