On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 3:56 AM, Hugo Trippaers
<htrippa...@schubergphilis.com> wrote:
> While I really like the idea of including a unittest with every commit, I 
> don't feel very comfortable with doing this right now. The current code 
> coverage is pretty low and just adding new unittests for commits might even 
> give a false sense of security. Next to that, enforcing this through 
> technical means might prevent people from participating as we make the bar 
> higher for anybody willing to join. I'd rather have somebody submit a patch 
> without a unittest and having to do it myself, than not receiving the patch 
> at all.

The community engagement concern is a great point Hugo.  Lower the
barrier to entry, and more people will help.  On the other hand, we do
need to ensure that those that accept the code take the time to deal
with test cases and documentation.  With a low barrier to entry comes
an increase in committer responsibilities.

> I think the way forward would be to devote serious effort to get the current 
> code base covered with unittests first. That way we will gain the much needed 
> confidence in the current code, which means that we can more easily integrate 
> changes coming in from other branches and from reviews and still have a level 
> of certainty that stuff still works. Next to that it will provide an enormous 
> amount of example code for would be committers and people sending patches. 
> For a lot of people it is much easier to adapt an exisiting unittest then 
> creating a new one from scratch, especially with a complex code base like 
> ours. Custom injection code (like ComponentLocator) requires some knowledge 
> to work into unittests and might be a tad difficult for people not intimately 
> familiar with it.

That custom injection code is absolutely something that challenges
test writers today.  I'm certainly looking forward to the Javelin
branch merging into master!

> We as the committer team should be able to govern ourselves and take the 
> responsibility to start including unittests for exisiting code. If we can't 
> agree to get this done as a community, implementing a technical solution will 
> not help, but probably have the opposite effect of alienating the people. And 
> that is something that we should not want.

+1 - absolutely

> Cheers,
> Hugo
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: prasanna [mailto:srivatsav.prasa...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 5:30 PM
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] All checkins must include unit testing
>> I like the idea of unittests with every commit.
>> A few related topics I have that might be worth considering in this
>> discussion:
>> 1) What about unittests for the existing code? Or do we fill that gap slowly?
>> 2) Minor but we should probably update the unittesting wiki on how to
>> mock our managers, daos etc?
>> And a few things I'm confused about:
>> 1) Gerrit is a code review tool just like reviewboard? So - would it really
>> serve the purpose if committers can still check-in without unittests?
>> 2) Or do we enforce everyone to send in for gerrit review? That seems
>> counter-intuitive to the idea of committer-ship?
>> --
>> Prasanna.,

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