And we certainly will. And, as I stated in my previous email, we will
do so with actions. My point is simply that I would rather not spend
energy even talking about this, but rather demonstrating that we stand
by our decisions by continuing on in the fashion Rich started, and many
after have followed. I don't see how arguing about the merits of one
person or another helps in any situation, or their technical influence
or credibility. I would rather just put all that behind us.
As you asked, Clojure/core will continue in the fashion that it always
has. We welcome all ideas and opinions, though we will always think
carefully about which ones are accepted into the Clojure language. You
can rest easy knowing that the effort you put into building up your
Clojure knowledge will not go to waste :)
Aaron Bedra
On 07/02/2011 03:59 PM, James Keats wrote:
On Jul 2, 6:41 pm, Stefan Kamphausen<> wrote:
However, as Aaron pointed out, I'd rather a more tolerant, pleasant
Kind regards,
A month ago I asked a question here that barely a minute after
clicking "send" realized was utterly dumb. It reminds of an anecdote
about an (MIT?) professor who'd insist on whomever asks him a question
to explain in some detail what they understand and what they don't
understand, and oftentimes when people do so come to an "Oh!" moment
of sudden understanding before he'd even answered just out of
formulating the problem.
That utterly dumb question got many "tolerant, pleasant" answers. :-)
I would draw a thick line between the community's response to someone
who'd ask an utterly dumb question - I don't me specifically, but any
newcomer - and someone who'd insist upon the creator of a carefully
considered and crafted solution and its community to change their
"culture" outright. If I, and people like me who are willing to put
their nose to the grindstone, read the books and watch the videos
umpteen times over till they get it through and through, to become
invested in clojure and its future, then we need a firm reassurance
that ludicrous demands like those are firmly resisted, and believe
it's imperative to implore clojure core to do so.
Kind regards, :-)
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