Messages by Thread
Ring Uberjar last-modified-date problem
Clojure data science: 2021-01
Daniel Slutsky
Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Austin Haas
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Justin Smith
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Austin Haas
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Justin Smith
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Austin Haas
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Sean Corfield
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Austin Haas
Re: Socket servers, threads, and redirecting error output.
Adding value to the map in sql statement dynamically
Ganesh Neelekani
Clojure Code Formatting
waleed sheikh
Hello, I'm a new Clojurian (I think)!
Tuan-Anh Le
[JOB] Clojure Developer in Cambridge, UK
Mario Altimari
Cognitect and Nubank are Sponsoring Open Source Developers
Alex Miller
Idiomatic program for someone new to Clojure
James Lorenzen
Using asynchronous clojure function
Ganesh Neelekani
what is currently considered a good blog engine, written in Clojure?
Clojure 1.10.2-rc1
Alex Miller
[ANN] Tape Framework pre.alpha: kind of like Duct but for Frontend
Call for Participation: BOB 2021 (February 26, online, early-bird until Dec 31)
Michael Sperber
[BLOG] Is this sentence a question?
Daniel Szmulewicz
Calling Native C-code from Clojure
John Doe
[ANN] Lambdaroyal-dispatch – Clojure job dispatching library
[JOB] Strategic Blue Clojure job in London
'Alan Forrester' via Clojure
[JOB] ClojureScript Developer in Austin
Marc Limotte
[ANN] Job Opening for Full Stack Web Developer
Gary Johnson
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing devroom CfP
Manolis Ragkousis
Clojure integration with JuliaLang
Chris Nuernberger
cljs.test :after fixture not called if test errors
Stuart Campbell
End-of-November data-science study meetings: Datavis, ETL, NLP, Notespace
Daniel Slutsky
cljctools/peernode: an example core.async program exposing js-ipfs daemon's pubsub over rsocket (written in clojurescript, runs on nodejs)
Sergei Udris
Scicloj meeting: Sicmutils #1 - geometry, symbolic math, and physics in Clojure(script)
Daniel Slutsky
Scicloj meeting: Nikita Propokov about Skija - graphics in the JVM
Daniel Slutsky
Last Call for Contributions: BOB 2021 [Feb 26, Deadline Nov 13]
Michael Sperber
PGMig 0.5.0.
Kamil Toman
[ANN] Video of Scicloj #16 is available online
Daniel Szmulewicz
Fundamentals study group
Daniel Slutsky
How to safely print structures that may contain infinite lazy seqs?
Austin Haas
Integrating `core.async` with `httpcore5-h2`
Dimitrios Piliouras
2nd Call for Contributions: BOB 2021 [Feb 26, Deadline Nov 13]
Michael Sperber
An Intuition for Lisp Syntax
Alan Thompson
November machine learning study meetings
Daniel Slutsky
[ANN] Video walkthrough of Meyvn’s JavaFX template
Daniel Szmulewicz
Clojure in Geograpgy with Joanne Cheng
Daniel Slutsky
[ANN] Convex - A Clojure-inspired Lisp for the Internet of Value
Mexico City Clojureists?
Scott Klarenbach
A Scicloj meeting about Reveal: Read Eval Visualize Loop
Daniel Slutsky
Clojure and Data Science in Healthcare #1
Daniel Slutsky
clojure.edn/read isn't spec compliant
'EuAndreh' via Clojure
Re: sort-by reverse order?
Matthew O. Smith
[ANN] rep 0.2.0 - A single-shot NREPL client designed for shell invocation
Jason Felice
currently starting a new project: non-commercial multiplayer game (with programming language as gameplay)
Sergei Udris
mysterious clj -m behavior
Gregg Reynolds
[ANN] PGMig release 0.4.0
Kamil Toman
Newbie Classpath issues on OSX
symbol is not a symbol in (def (symbol "x") ...) ???
Rostislav Svoboda
Scicloj interview: Anthony Khong aboug Geni
Daniel Slutsky
Using core.logic for bi-directional json transformation
Call for Contributions: BOB 2021 [Feb 26, Deadline Nov 13]
Michael Sperber
Clojure as first language
[ANN] 6x new major lib updates incl. HTTP-Kit, Sente, Timbre, Carmine
Peter Taoussanis
Numerical Linear Algebra for Programmers - Clojure Book - New Release 0.10.0
Dragan Djuric
Clojure in Geography meeting #1
Daniel Slutsky
core.async buffers alternative backend
Next public Clojure data science meeting -- please register
Daniel Slutsky
Sep. 2020 Clojure data science public meeting.
Daniel Slutsky
[BLOG] Understanding Meyvn
Daniel Szmulewicz
Rationale behind project
Sergei Udris
Truly, we live in the garden of edn
[ANN] Learn Reitit : New 🎥 Course (
Jacek Schae
[ANN] martian 0.1.13 - now supports OpenAPI v3
Oliver Hine
[ANN]: drand-clj
Dimitrios Jim Piliouras
Why is `binding-conveyor-fn` private?
Dimitrios Jim Piliouras